
882 B

Building Documentation

This is the documentation that appears on The tfscript website.

Building the Docs

Before you can build the docs, you have to do the Prerequisites below.

  1. Run make html
  2. The docs appear in docs/build/html. You can open them in a browser (e.g., on Mac do open docs/build/html/index.html)
  3. Run to upload it to the S3 bucket (only works if you have the right profile/permissions in AWS)


I recommend building a Python venv.

  1. Make the virtual environment python -m venv ~/.python
  2. Activate it: source ~/.python/bin/activate
  3. Install all the requirements into it.
    1. pip3 install -r ../requirements.txt
    2. pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Now you can run the steps above in the Building section.