# These are my configs! Feel free to download and use, # modify, or w/e, but no pull requests will be accepted if they change this. # You can always do a pull request to make a new file # It uses a ton of doubles, and certain keys like # wasd, mouse 1-3, and some others aren't listed because # those keys are basically static and don't change default: # voice-based doubles double e: impulse primary: voice medic impulse secondary: voice activate uber condition: mouse4 double t: impulse primary: voice thanks impulse secondary: voice nice shot condition: mouse4 double v: impulse primary: voice spy impulse secondary: voice help condition: mouse4 # hold doubles double r: primary: hold: "class_action" secondary: hold: "reload" condition: mouse4 cancel both: yes # other double =: primary: impulse: kill secondary: impulse: explode condition: "-" double q: impulse primary: lastinv impulse secondary: - "slot2" - "wait 10" - "slot1" condition: mouse4 double ctrl: # I use shift to crouch impulse primary: voice yes impulse secondary: voice no condition: mouse4 # toggle toggle capslock: voicerecord # hold: null-cancelled movement, so hitting a while holding d causes # me to go left instead of stopping, or vice-versa. hold a: press: - "-moveright" - "+moveleft" - "alias maybeMoveLeft +moveleft" release: - "-moveleft" - "maybeMoveRight" - "alias maybeMoveLeft " hold d: press: - "-moveleft" - "+moveright" - "alias maybeMoveRight +moveright" release: - "-moveright" - "maybeMoveLeft" - "alias maybeMoveRight " # This just stops an error message the first time you release # either of 'a' or 'd' impulse maybeMoveLeft: alias: yes command: "" impulse maybeMoveRight: alias: yes command: "" # class action is something useful for each class, # like destroying and rebuilding a sentry for the engineer # this is just the default. I do a lot of hybridknight and # mantread soldier so having a melee/main weapon switch bind # is useful hold class_action: alias: yes press: - "slot3" - "wait 10" - "slot1" release: "" impulse load0: alias: yes command: "load_itempreset 0" impulse load1: alias: yes command: "load_itempreset 1" impulse load2: alias: yes command: "load_itempreset 2" impulse load3: alias: yes command: "load_itempreset 3" impulse INS: - "load0" - "alias reload_presets load0" impulse HOME: - "load1" - "alias reload_presets load1" impulse DEL: - "load2" - "alias reload_presets load2" impulse END: - "load3" - "alias reload_presets load3" impulse backspace: "reload_presets" engi: hold class_action: alias: yes press: - destroy sentry - build sentry release: "" medic: # "Radar" feature: causes all teammates to autocall for medic, allowing # me to see where they are hold class_action: alias: yes press: "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 150" release: "hud_medicautocallersthreshold 75" soldier: double mouse1: hold primary: attack hold secondary: press: - +attack - +duck - +jump release: - -attack - -duck - -jump condition: mouse4