Debug on stderr, changed output file splitting

Nicholas Hope 2022-08-10 20:44:44 -04:00
parent a4e9e466dd
commit d967f1de17
1 changed files with 73 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ __copyright__ = "Copyright © 2022 Nicholas Hope. See LICENSE for details."
import sys
import os
import argparse
import tempfile
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import yaml
from platform import system as getOS, release
@ -42,80 +42,88 @@ def parseFile(inputFile):
def writeOutput(scriptString, className):
"""Given the string of stuff to write, write it out to the given handle."""
def writeOutput(data, className) -> dict:
Write `data' to various files as needed, returning a dict of
the temporary file names and their target destination names,
not including the target directory
global args
global targetDir
chunksize = 2**20 # 1Mb maximum cfg file size
chunk = 1
# If the string is more than 1048576 bytes, we need divide it into files that each
# are less than 1048576 bytes
chunksneeded = int( 1 + len(scriptString) / chunksize )
namesDict = {} # return dict
# Variables
lineList = [ l.encode('utf8') for l in data.splitlines() ]
fileNum = 1
bytesWritten = 0
# Constants
maxFileSize = 2 ** 20 # 1MiB maximum cfg file size
filesNeeded = 1 + int( len(data)/maxFileSize )
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: need {chunksneeded} files for {className}')
print( f'DEBUG: need {filesNeeded} files for {className}', file=sys.stderr)
if( chunksneeded == 1):
# If it can be done in one chunk, do it in one chunk.
outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix=className, delete=False )
if( args.dry_run != True ):
os.replace(, f'{targetDir}/{className}_script_{chunk:02d}.cfg')
FilNedLen = len(str(filesNeeded))
# I know % formatting is old-school and pylint hates it,
# but "%*d" is the easiest way to left-pad with zeros
# without hardcoding a number. The extra 4 bytes is just some leeway
reservedSpace = len('%s_script_%0*d.cfg' % (className, FilNedLen, fileNum)) + 4
# Initialize the variables
outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=className, delete=False)
namesDict.update({ '%s_script_%0*d.cfg' % (className, FilNedLen, fileNum) })
while (fileNum <= filesNeeded and len(lineList) > 0):
line = lineList.pop(0) + '\n'.encode('utf8')
lineLen = len(line) # nice
if bytesWritten + reservedSpace + lineLen > maxFileSize:
outfile.write( ('exec %s_script_%0*d' % (className, FilNedLen, fileNum)).encode('utf8') )
bytesWritten += reservedSpace
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: Created {targetDir}/{className}_script_{chunk:02d}.cfg')
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: {} would be {targetDir}/{className}_script_{chunk:02d}.cfg')
# Gotta do it in multiple chunks
classLines = scriptString.splitlines()
execString = f'exec {className}_script_{chunk:02d}'.encode("utf8")
# extra 4 bytes is just a little buffer so we don't get exactly chunksize bytes
reservedSpace = len(execString) + 4
n = 0
pieces = {}
while( chunk <= chunksneeded ):
outfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix=className, delete=False )
pieces[] = f'{targetDir}/{className}_script_{chunk:02d}.cfg'
byteswritten = 0
while( n < len(classLines) and (byteswritten + len(classLines[n]) + reservedSpace) < chunksize ):
line = classLines[n].encode("utf8") + os.linesep.encode("utf8")
byteswritten += len(line)
if( chunk < chunksneeded ):
line = f'exec {className}_script_{chunk+1:02d}'.encode("utf8") + os.linesep.encode("utf8")
byteswritten += len(line)
print( f'DEBUG: Wrote {bytesWritten} bytes to {className} ({fileNum}/{filesNeeded})', file=sys.stderr)
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: Wrote {byteswritten} bytes to {className} ({chunk}/{chunksneeded})' )
chunk += 1
for tmpname, realname in pieces.items():
if( args.dry_run ):
if( args.debug ):
print( f'DEBUG: {} would be {targetDir}/{className}_script_{chunk:02d}.cfg')
os.replace(tmpname, realname)
print( f'DEBUG: Created {targetDir}/{className}_script_{chunk:02d}.cfg')
outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=className, delete=False)
fileNum += 1
namesDict.update({ '%s_script_%0*d.cfg' % (className, FilNedLen, fileNum) })
bytesWritten = 0
bytesWritten += lineLen
outfile.close() # the most-recent tempfile will not have been closed
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: Wrote {bytesWritten} bytes to {className} ({fileNum}/{filesNeeded})', file=sys.stderr)
return namesDict
def parseConfig(config):
"""With validated data structure, write out all the files."""
global args
global targetDir
# Make sure the target exists before we try to use it
if os.path.isdir( targetDir ) == False:
os.mkdir( targetDir )
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: created {targetDir}')
except Exception as fileExcept:
print( f'WARN: Failed to create {targetDir}: {fileExcept.strerror}\nUsing current directory instead.' )
targetDir = '.'
if os.path.isdir(targetDir) == False:
if args.debug:
print(f"DEBUG: Created", file=sys.stderr)
tempsAndReals = {}
for currentClass in config:
classDict = config[currentClass]
stringToWrite = tfscript.makeCFG(classDict)
writeOutput(stringToWrite, currentClass)
replaceDict = writeOutput(stringToWrite, currentClass)
for tmpName, realName in tempsAndReals.items():
if args.dry_run:
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: {tmpName} would be {targetDir}/{realName}.cfg', file=sys.stderr)
os.replace( tmpName, f'{targetDir}/{realName}' )
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: Created {targetDir}/{realName}', file=sys.stderr)
def parseCLI():
# Handle command line
@ -178,6 +186,8 @@ def main():
targetDir += "steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/cfg"
elif args.force:
# Unsupported OS but -f specified
if args.debug:
print("DEBUG: forced to continue, output set to current directory", file=sys.stderr)
targetDir = '.'
# Unsupported OS and not forced to continue