reconfigured to work better together

Nicholas Hope 2022-09-17 14:08:25 -04:00
parent 1ac808ce1d
commit 3f9f35cced
2 changed files with 18 additions and 275 deletions

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@ -1,287 +1,31 @@
""" Makes the configs as a massive string """
""" This has only one function. It mostly exists to allow imports of things like tftypes """
# Used for the conditions in the <double> type
condDict = {}
defaultDict = {}
bindOrAlias = "bind"
from copy import deepcopy
from tfscript.tftypes import double
def makeCFG(cfg, default=False):
global bindOrAlias
global condDict
global defaultDict
for bind in cfg:
def makeCFG(bindList, default=False):
bindOrAlias = "bind"
if default:
# Write to defaultDict instead of condDict
condDict = defaultDict
double.condDict = double.defaultDict
condDict = deepcopy(defaultDict)
double.condDict = deepcopy(double.defaultDict)
ret = ''
for key, data in cfg.items():
isAlias = False
if "alias" in data:
isAlias = data.pop("alias")
if isAlias:
bindOrAlias = "alias"
bindOrAlias = "bind"
ret += branch(key, data)
for bind in bindList:
ret += bind.toTF2()
# Doubles are weird. All of the toggles got put into a dictionary.
# This takes all of the nested dictionaries and turns them into the right string
if default or condDict != defaultDict:
if default or double.condDict != double.defaultDict:
# ==, and by extension !=, does in fact check
# for dictionary equality in keys and values
for key, toggles in condDict.items():
for key, toggles in double.condDict.items():
onCondPress = ';'.join(toggles["change_keys"])
onCondRelease = ';'.join(toggles["restore_keys"])
ret += f'alias +{key}_toggles "{onCondPress}"\n' +\
f'alias -{key}_toggles "{onCondRelease}"\n' +\
f'{bindOrAlias} {key} "+{key}_toggles"\n'
del condDict # free deep copy
f'bind {key} "+{key}_toggles"\n'
return ret
def typeOf(dictIn):
""" Find the first element common to both lists """
types = [
for t in types:
if t in dictIn.keys():
return t
def branch(keyName, bindContent):
""" Using the provided keyName and content, call the correct function """
Terser syntax, ex.
impulse e:
instead of
splitKey = keyName.split(' ', 1)
if len(splitKey) > 1:
keyName = splitKey[1]
bindContent = {splitKey[0]: bindContent}
bindType = typeOf(bindContent)
bindContent = bindContent.pop(bindType)
if bindType == "impulse":
return impulse(keyName, bindContent)
elif bindType == "hold":
if isinstance(bindContent, str):
return simpleHold(keyName, bindContent)
return listHold(keyName, bindContent)
elif bindType == "toggle":
return toggle(keyName, bindContent)
elif bindType == "double":
return double(keyName, bindContent)
elif bindType == "repeat":
return repeat(keyName, bindContent)
def impulse(key, instruction):
global bindOrAlias
if isinstance(instruction, dict):
instruction = instruction["command"]
if not isinstance(instruction, list):
instruction = instruction.split(';')
instuction = impulseShortcuts(instruction)
instruction = ';'.join(instruction)
return f'{bindOrAlias} {key} "{instruction}"\n'
def impulseShortcuts(instList):
for i, instruction in enumerate(instList):
splitCmd = instruction.split(' ')
cmd = splitCmd[0]
restOfCmd = ' '.join(splitCmd[1:])
shortcuts = {
"primary": "slot1",
"secondary": "slot2",
"melee": "slot3"
if cmd in shortcuts:
cmd = shortcuts[cmd]
if cmd == "voice":
cmd = "voicemenu"
restOfCmd = voice(restOfCmd)
elif cmd == "build" or cmd == "destroy":
restOfCmd = expandBuildings(restOfCmd)
elif cmd == "load_itempreset" and restOfCmd.isalpha():
restOfCmd = restOfCmd.lower()
restOfCmd = ['a','b','c','d'].index(restOfCmd)
if restOfCmd != "":
cmd += ' ' + restOfCmd
instList[i] = cmd
return instList
def voice(keyword):
keyword = keyword.lower()
allLists = [
["medic", "thanks", "go", "move up", "go left", "go right", "yes", "no", "pass to me"],
["incoming", "spy", "sentry ahead", "teleporter here", "dispenser here", "sentry here", "activate uber", "uber ready"],
["help", "battle cry", "cheers", "jeers", "positive", "negative", "nice shot", "good job"]
for menu, voiceList in enumerate(allLists):
for selection, shortcut in enumerate(voiceList):
if keyword == shortcut:
return f'{menu} {selection}'
def expandBuildings(building):
buildingNums = {
"dispenser": "0 0",
"entrance": "1 0",
"exit": "1 1",
"sentry": "2 0"
for shortBuild, num in buildingNums.items():
if building == shortBuild:
return num
def simpleHold(key, instruction):
global bindOrAlias
# This isn't quite right, fix later!
if instruction[0] == '+' or instruction[0] == '-':
return f'{bindOrAlias} {key} "{instruction}"\n'
return f'{bindOrAlias} {key} "+{instruction}"\n'
def listHold(key, options):
global bindOrAlias
oldBindOrAlias = bindOrAlias
bindOrAlias = 'alias'
plus = impulse(f'+{key}_press', options["press"])
minus = impulse(f'-{key}_press', options["release"])
bindOrAlias = oldBindOrAlias
ret = plus + minus + f'{bindOrAlias} {key} "+{key}_press"\n'
return ret
def toggle(key, instruction):
global bindOrAlias
onStr = f'turn_{key}_on'
offStr = f'turn_{key}_off'
togStr = f'toggle_{key}'
if instruction[0] == '+':
instruction = instruction[1:]
ret = f'alias {onStr} "+{instruction}; alias {togStr} {offStr}"\n' +\
f'alias {offStr} "-{instruction}; alias {togStr} {onStr}"\n' +\
f'alias {togStr} "{onStr}"\n' +\
f'{bindOrAlias} {key} "{togStr}"\n'
return ret
def double(key, options):
typeName = options["type"]
primaryAction = {typeName: options.pop("primary")}
secAction = {typeName: options.pop("secondary")}
mainStr = f'{key}_main'
altStr = f'{key}_alt'
pShiftStr = f'+shift_{key}'
mShiftStr = f'-shift_{key}'
global bindOrAlias
oldBindOrAlias = bindOrAlias
bindOrAlias = "alias"
mainCode = branch(mainStr, primaryAction)
altCode = branch(altStr, secAction)
cancelBoth = ("cancel" in options and options["cancel"] == "both")
if cancelBoth:
if isinstance(primaryAction["hold"], dict):
lines = mainCode.splitlines()
minusCmd = lines[1]
_, minusStr, previousMinus = minus.split(' ', 2)
newMinus = previousMinus[0:-2] + ';' + + '"\n'
lines[1] = f'alias {minusStr} "{newMinus}"\n'
# simple
bindOrAlias = oldBindOrAlias
ret = mainCode + altCode +\
f'alias {pShiftStr} "{bindOrAlias} {key} {altStr}"\n' +\
f'alias {mShiftStr} "{bindOrAlias} {key} {mainStr}"\n'+\
f'{bindOrAlias} {key} "{mainStr}"\n'
isToggle = ("toggle" in options and options.pop("toggle") == True)
if isToggle:
toggleStr = toggle(key, pShiftStr)
condName = options["condition"]
global condDict
if condName in condDict:
# If the condition key (like "mouse4") already has toggles,
# just append another toggle string
changes = condDict[condName]["change_keys"]
restores = condDict[condName]["restore_keys"]
if isToggle:
# "toggle: true" specified, add the toggle string
if toggleStr not in changes:
if pShiftStr in changes:
# If key already has normal shift, remove it
elif pShiftStr not in changes:
# not toggle, not already in changes
# If the condition key doesn't already exist, make it
if isToggle:
condDict.update( {
condName: {
"change_keys": [ toggleStr ],
"restore_keys": [ ]
} )
condDict.update( {
condName: {
"change_keys": [ pShiftStr ],
"restore_keys": [ mShiftStr ]
} )
return ret
def repeat(key, options):
return f'placeholder for {key} (repeat)\n'

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@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ except ModuleNotFoundError:
# Local libraries
import tfscript
from tfscript import verify
from tfscript import writing
from tfscript import verify, writing, makeCFG
args = {}
targetDir = ''
@ -63,12 +62,12 @@ def parseConfig(config, defaults):
if defaults is not None:
config.update({'default': defaults})
for currentClass in config:
bindList = config[currentClass]
stringToWrite = ''
for bind in bindList:
stringToWrite += bind.toTF2()
replaceDict = writing.writeOutput(stringToWrite, currentClass, args)
for class_ in config:
stringToWrite = makeCFG(
default=(class_ == 'default')
replaceDict = writing.writeOutput(stringToWrite, class_, args)
return tempsAndReals