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from sys import stderr
from os.path import exists
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from shutil import move as moveRobust
def writeOutput(data, className, args) -> dict:
Write `data' to various files as needed, returning a dict of
the temporary file names and their target destination names,
not including the target directory
namesDict = {} # return dict
# Variables
lineList = [ l.encode('utf8') for l in data.splitlines() ]
fileNum = 1
bytesWritten = 0
# Constants
maxFileSize = 2 ** 20 # 1MiB maximum cfg file size
filesNeeded = 1 + int( len(data)/maxFileSize )
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: need {filesNeeded} files for {className}', file=stderr)
FilNedLen = len(str(filesNeeded))
# extra 4 bytes is leeway
reservedSpace = len(f'{className}_script_{filesNeeded}.cfg') + 4
# Initialize variables
outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=className, delete=False)
# I know % formatting is old-school and pylint hates it,
# but "%*d" is the easiest way to left-pad with zeros
# without hardcoding a number.
namesDict.update({ '%s_script_%0*d.cfg' % (className, FilNedLen, fileNum) })
while (fileNum <= filesNeeded and len(lineList) > 0):
line = lineList.pop(0) + '\n'.encode('utf8')
lineLen = len(line) # nice
if bytesWritten + reservedSpace + lineLen > maxFileSize:
outfile.write( ('exec %s_script_%0*d' % (className, FilNedLen, fileNum+1)).encode('utf8') )
bytesWritten += reservedSpace
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: Wrote {bytesWritten} bytes to {className} ({fileNum}/{filesNeeded})', file=stderr)
outfile = NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=className, delete=False)
fileNum += 1
namesDict.update({ '%s_script_%0*d.cfg' % (className, FilNedLen, fileNum) })
bytesWritten = 0
bytesWritten += lineLen
outfile.close() # the most-recent tempfile will not have been closed
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: Wrote {bytesWritten} bytes to {className} ({fileNum}/{filesNeeded})', end='\n\n', file=stderr)
return namesDict
def replaceFiles(targetDir, fileNames, args):
for tmpName, realName in fileNames.items():
if args.dry_run:
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: {tmpName} would be {targetDir}{realName}.cfg', file=stderr)
# using shutil.move() because it can move files across disk drives on windows
moveRobust( tmpName, f'{targetDir}{realName}' )
if args.debug:
print( f'DEBUG: Created {targetDir}{realName}', file=stderr)
if args.debug:
# Break up the debug messages
return list(fileNames.values())
def appendToActuals(targetDir, fileList, defaultsGiven, args):
if defaultsGiven:
classList = [
for cclass in classList:
addCallIfUncalled('exec default_script_1', targetDir, cclass, args)
fileList = onlyFirsts(fileList)
for currFile in fileList:
execStr = f'exec {currFile.split(".")[0]}'
addCallIfUncalled(execStr, targetDir, currFile, args)
def addCallIfUncalled(execStr, targetDir, fileName, args):
realFilePath = targetDir + getRealName(fileName)
realExists = exists(realFilePath)
# creates if it doesn't exist, so must come after the exists() call
cfgFile = open(realFilePath, 'a+')
if not realExists:
if args.debug:
print( f"DEBUG: Created {realFilePath}" )
cfgFile.write(execStr + '\n')
elif not strInFile(execStr, cfgFile):
cfgFile.write('\n' + execStr + '\n')
def onlyFirsts(fileList):
for i, fileName in enumerate(fileList):
noExtension = fileName.split('.')[0]
number = int(noExtension.split('_')[2])
if number != 1:
return fileList
def getRealName(fileName):
className = fileName.split('_')[0]
targetNames = {
"demo": "demoman",
"heavy": "heavyweapons",
"engi": "engineer",
"default": "autoexec"
if className in targetNames:
className = targetNames[className]
return className + '.cfg'
def strInFile(execStr, f):
# Opened in append mode, so cursor is at the end.
# Must reopen to put cursor at the start.
with open(, 'r') as dupfile:
lineList = [ ' '.join(line.split()) for line in dupfile.readlines() ]
for line in lineList:
# Remove indent and outdent, including trailing newline
if execStr == line:
return True
return False