Paco Hope pacohope
  • Joined on 2021-10-31
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pacohope pushed to main at tfscript/tfscript

2022-08-06 21:45:54 -04:00

pacohope opened issue tfscript/tfscript#9

Implement dry_run option

2022-08-06 21:18:03 -04:00

pacohope commented on issue tfscript/tfscript#6

make the condDict from the default section persist

1. In `parseConfig()` parse the `default` section first, and store its stuff in its own dictionary (e.g., `defaultDict`). 2. In `tfscript.makeCFG()` clear the dictionary, then insert all the…

2022-08-06 21:16:01 -04:00

pacohope opened issue tfscript/tfscript#8

Python Packaging for PyPl

2022-08-06 21:11:17 -04:00

pacohope closed issue tfscript/tfscript#7

check for 1 mebibyte cfg file limit.

2022-08-06 21:08:34 -04:00

pacohope commented on issue tfscript/tfscript#7

check for 1 mebibyte cfg file limit.

This is closed by 8625b25ecb.

2022-08-06 21:08:32 -04:00

pacohope closed issue tfscript/tfscript#3

Add test directory

2022-08-06 21:05:16 -04:00

pacohope pushed to main at tfscript/tfscript

2022-08-06 21:04:58 -04:00

pacohope pushed to main at tfscript/tfscript

2022-08-06 19:11:23 -04:00

pacohope synced commits to dev at pacohope/Watchy from mirror

2022-07-10 13:37:47 -04:00

pacohope synced commits to master at pacohope/Watchy from mirror

2022-07-10 13:37:47 -04:00

pacohope pushed to main at tfscript/tfscript

2022-06-19 20:02:50 -04:00

pacohope transferred repository nick/tfscript to tfscript/tfscript

2022-06-17 17:27:32 -04:00

pacohope pushed to main at tfscript/tfscript

2022-06-15 22:43:27 -04:00

pacohope pushed to main at tfscript/tfscript

2022-06-15 22:41:46 -04:00

pacohope closed issue tfscript/tfscript#1

Create pylintrc

2022-06-15 09:32:25 -04:00

pacohope opened issue tfscript/tfscript#2

Integrate pylint into build process

2022-06-15 09:32:15 -04:00

pacohope opened issue tfscript/tfscript#1

Create pylintrc

2022-06-15 09:31:28 -04:00

pacohope pushed to main at tfscript/tfscript

2022-06-15 09:29:19 -04:00

pacohope pushed to main at tfscript/tfscript

  • 17ca2972ac added vscode launch.json for basic debugging

2022-06-14 23:05:02 -04:00