/* * Watchy - Basic Example * Sets the RTC time if not set, goes to sleep and wakes up every minute to update the time on the display */ #include #include #include #include #include "GxGDEH0154D67.h" #include "DSEG7_Classic_Bold_48.h" DS3232RTC RTC(false); GxIO_Class io(SPI, /*CS=5*/ SS, /*DC=*/ 17, /*RST=*/ 16); // arbitrary selection of 17, 16 GxEPD_Class display(io, /*RST=*/ 16, /*BUSY=*/ 4); // arbitrary selection of (16), 4 void setup() { esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(GPIO_NUM_33,0); //enable deep sleep wake on RTC interrupt RTC.begin(); if(RTC.oscStopped(false)){ //check if RTC has been stopped RTC.squareWave(SQWAVE_NONE); //disable square wave output RTC.set(compileTime()); //set RTC time to compile time RTC.setAlarm(ALM2_EVERY_MINUTE, 0, 0, 0, 1); //set alarm to every minute RTC.alarmInterrupt(ALARM_2, true); //enable alarm interrupt } RTC.alarm(ALARM_2); //resets the alarm flag in the RTC showTime(); esp_deep_sleep_start(); } void loop(){} void showTime() { display.init(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setFont(&DSEG7_Classic_Bold_48); display.setCursor(15, 120); tmElements_t currentTime; RTC.read(currentTime); if(currentTime.Hour < 10){ display.print('0'); } display.print(currentTime.Hour); display.print(':'); if(currentTime.Minute < 10){ display.print('0'); } display.print(currentTime.Minute); display.update(); display.deepSleep(); } time_t compileTime() { const time_t FUDGE(10); //fudge factor to allow for upload time, etc. (seconds, YMMV) const char *compDate = __DATE__, *compTime = __TIME__, *months = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"; char compMon[3], *m; strncpy(compMon, compDate, 3); compMon[3] = '\0'; m = strstr(months, compMon); tmElements_t tm; tm.Month = ((m - months) / 3 + 1); tm.Day = atoi(compDate + 4); tm.Year = atoi(compDate + 7) - 1970; tm.Hour = atoi(compTime); tm.Minute = atoi(compTime + 3); tm.Second = atoi(compTime + 6); time_t t = makeTime(tm); return t + FUDGE; //add fudge factor to allow for compile time }