#include "Watchy.h" WatchyRTC Watchy::RTC; GxEPD2_BW Watchy::display( WatchyDisplay{}); RTC_DATA_ATTR int guiState; RTC_DATA_ATTR int menuIndex; RTC_DATA_ATTR BMA423 sensor; RTC_DATA_ATTR bool WIFI_CONFIGURED; RTC_DATA_ATTR bool BLE_CONFIGURED; RTC_DATA_ATTR weatherData currentWeather; RTC_DATA_ATTR int weatherIntervalCounter = -1; RTC_DATA_ATTR long gmtOffset = 0; RTC_DATA_ATTR bool alreadyInMenu = true; RTC_DATA_ATTR tmElements_t bootTime; void Watchy::init(String datetime) { esp_sleep_wakeup_cause_t wakeup_reason; wakeup_reason = esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause(); // get wake up reason Wire.begin(SDA, SCL); // init i2c RTC.init(); // Init the display since is almost sure we will use it display.epd2.initWatchy(); switch (wakeup_reason) { case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT0: // RTC Alarm RTC.read(currentTime); switch (guiState) { case WATCHFACE_STATE: showWatchFace(true); // partial updates on tick if (settings.vibrateOClock) { if (currentTime.Minute == 0) { // The RTC wakes us up once per minute vibMotor(75, 4); } } break; case MAIN_MENU_STATE: // Return to watchface if in menu for more than one tick if (alreadyInMenu) { guiState = WATCHFACE_STATE; showWatchFace(false); } else { alreadyInMenu = true; } break; } break; case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT1: // button Press handleButtonPress(); break; default: // reset RTC.config(datetime); _bmaConfig(); gmtOffset = settings.gmtOffset; RTC.read(currentTime); RTC.read(bootTime); showWatchFace(false); // full update on reset vibMotor(75, 4); // For some reason, seems to be enabled on first boot esp_sleep_disable_wakeup_source(ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_ALL); break; } deepSleep(); } void Watchy::deepSleep() { display.hibernate(); RTC.clearAlarm(); // resets the alarm flag in the RTC // Set GPIOs 0-39 to input to avoid power leaking out const uint64_t ignore = 0b11110001000000110000100111000010; // Ignore some GPIOs due to resets for (int i = 0; i < GPIO_NUM_MAX; i++) { if ((ignore >> i) & 0b1) continue; pinMode(i, INPUT); } esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup((gpio_num_t)RTC_INT_PIN, 0); // enable deep sleep wake on RTC interrupt esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup( BTN_PIN_MASK, ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ANY_HIGH); // enable deep sleep wake on button press esp_deep_sleep_start(); } void Watchy::handleButtonPress() { uint64_t wakeupBit = esp_sleep_get_ext1_wakeup_status(); // Menu Button if (wakeupBit & MENU_BTN_MASK) { if (guiState == WATCHFACE_STATE) { // enter menu state if coming from watch face showMenu(menuIndex, false); } else if (guiState == MAIN_MENU_STATE) { // if already in menu, then select menu item switch (menuIndex) { case 0: showAbout(); break; case 1: showBuzz(); break; case 2: showAccelerometer(); break; case 3: setTime(); break; case 4: setupWifi(); break; case 5: showUpdateFW(); break; case 6: showSyncNTP(); break; default: break; } } else if (guiState == FW_UPDATE_STATE) { updateFWBegin(); } } // Back Button else if (wakeupBit & BACK_BTN_MASK) { if (guiState == MAIN_MENU_STATE) { // exit to watch face if already in menu RTC.read(currentTime); showWatchFace(false); } else if (guiState == APP_STATE) { showMenu(menuIndex, false); // exit to menu if already in app } else if (guiState == FW_UPDATE_STATE) { showMenu(menuIndex, false); // exit to menu if already in app } else if (guiState == WATCHFACE_STATE) { return; } } // Up Button else if (wakeupBit & UP_BTN_MASK) { if (guiState == MAIN_MENU_STATE) { // increment menu index menuIndex--; if (menuIndex < 0) { menuIndex = MENU_LENGTH - 1; } showMenu(menuIndex, true); } else if (guiState == WATCHFACE_STATE) { return; } } // Down Button else if (wakeupBit & DOWN_BTN_MASK) { if (guiState == MAIN_MENU_STATE) { // decrement menu index menuIndex++; if (menuIndex > MENU_LENGTH - 1) { menuIndex = 0; } showMenu(menuIndex, true); } else if (guiState == WATCHFACE_STATE) { return; } } /***************** fast menu *****************/ bool timeout = false; long lastTimeout = millis(); pinMode(MENU_BTN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(BACK_BTN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(UP_BTN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(DOWN_BTN_PIN, INPUT); while (!timeout) { if (millis() - lastTimeout > 5000) { timeout = true; } else { if (digitalRead(MENU_BTN_PIN) == 1) { lastTimeout = millis(); if (guiState == MAIN_MENU_STATE) { // if already in menu, then select menu item switch (menuIndex) { case 0: showAbout(); break; case 1: showBuzz(); break; case 2: showAccelerometer(); break; case 3: setTime(); break; case 4: setupWifi(); break; case 5: showUpdateFW(); break; case 6: showSyncNTP(); break; default: break; } } else if (guiState == FW_UPDATE_STATE) { updateFWBegin(); } } else if (digitalRead(BACK_BTN_PIN) == 1) { lastTimeout = millis(); if (guiState == MAIN_MENU_STATE) { // exit to watch face if already in menu RTC.read(currentTime); showWatchFace(false); break; // leave loop } else if (guiState == APP_STATE) { showMenu(menuIndex, false); // exit to menu if already in app } else if (guiState == FW_UPDATE_STATE) { showMenu(menuIndex, false); // exit to menu if already in app } } else if (digitalRead(UP_BTN_PIN) == 1) { lastTimeout = millis(); if (guiState == MAIN_MENU_STATE) { // increment menu index menuIndex--; if (menuIndex < 0) { menuIndex = MENU_LENGTH - 1; } showFastMenu(menuIndex); } } else if (digitalRead(DOWN_BTN_PIN) == 1) { lastTimeout = millis(); if (guiState == MAIN_MENU_STATE) { // decrement menu index menuIndex++; if (menuIndex > MENU_LENGTH - 1) { menuIndex = 0; } showFastMenu(menuIndex); } } } } } void Watchy::showMenu(byte menuIndex, bool partialRefresh) { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); int16_t x1, y1; uint16_t w, h; int16_t yPos; const char *menuItems[] = { "About Watchy", "Vibrate Motor", "Show Accelerometer", "Set Time", "Setup WiFi", "Update Firmware", "Sync NTP"}; for (int i = 0; i < MENU_LENGTH; i++) { yPos = MENU_HEIGHT + (MENU_HEIGHT * i); display.setCursor(0, yPos); if (i == menuIndex) { display.getTextBounds(menuItems[i], 0, yPos, &x1, &y1, &w, &h); display.fillRect(x1 - 1, y1 - 10, 200, h + 15, GxEPD_WHITE); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_BLACK); display.println(menuItems[i]); } else { display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.println(menuItems[i]); } } display.display(partialRefresh); guiState = MAIN_MENU_STATE; alreadyInMenu = false; } void Watchy::showFastMenu(byte menuIndex) { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); int16_t x1, y1; uint16_t w, h; int16_t yPos; const char *menuItems[] = { "About Watchy", "Vibrate Motor", "Show Accelerometer", "Set Time", "Setup WiFi", "Update Firmware", "Sync NTP"}; for (int i = 0; i < MENU_LENGTH; i++) { yPos = MENU_HEIGHT + (MENU_HEIGHT * i); display.setCursor(0, yPos); if (i == menuIndex) { display.getTextBounds(menuItems[i], 0, yPos, &x1, &y1, &w, &h); display.fillRect(x1 - 1, y1 - 10, 200, h + 15, GxEPD_WHITE); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_BLACK); display.println(menuItems[i]); } else { display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.println(menuItems[i]); } } display.display(true); guiState = MAIN_MENU_STATE; } void Watchy::showAbout() { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 20); display.print("LibVer: "); display.println(WATCHY_LIB_VER); const char *RTC_HW[3] = {"", "DS3231", "PCF8563"}; display.print("RTC: "); display.println(RTC_HW[RTC.rtcType]); // 0 = UNKNOWN, 1 = DS3231, 2 = PCF8563 display.print("Batt: "); float voltage = getBatteryVoltage(); display.print(voltage); display.println("V"); display.print("Uptime: "); RTC.read(currentTime); time_t b = makeTime(bootTime); time_t c = makeTime(currentTime); int totalSeconds = c-b; //int seconds = (totalSeconds % 60); int minutes = (totalSeconds % 3600) / 60; int hours = (totalSeconds % 86400) / 3600; int days = (totalSeconds % (86400 * 30)) / 86400; display.print(days); display.print("d"); display.print(hours); display.print("h"); display.print(minutes); display.print("m"); display.display(false); // full refresh guiState = APP_STATE; } void Watchy::showBuzz() { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(70, 80); display.println("Buzz!"); display.display(false); // full refresh vibMotor(); showMenu(menuIndex, false); } void Watchy::vibMotor(uint8_t intervalMs, uint8_t length) { pinMode(VIB_MOTOR_PIN, OUTPUT); bool motorOn = false; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { motorOn = !motorOn; digitalWrite(VIB_MOTOR_PIN, motorOn); delay(intervalMs); } } void Watchy::setTime() { guiState = APP_STATE; RTC.read(currentTime); int8_t minute = currentTime.Minute; int8_t hour = currentTime.Hour; int8_t day = currentTime.Day; int8_t month = currentTime.Month; int8_t year = tmYearToY2k(currentTime.Year); int8_t setIndex = SET_HOUR; int8_t blink = 0; pinMode(DOWN_BTN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(UP_BTN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(MENU_BTN_PIN, INPUT); pinMode(BACK_BTN_PIN, INPUT); display.setFullWindow(); while (1) { if (digitalRead(MENU_BTN_PIN) == 1) { setIndex++; if (setIndex > SET_DAY) { break; } } if (digitalRead(BACK_BTN_PIN) == 1) { if (setIndex != SET_HOUR) { setIndex--; } } blink = 1 - blink; if (digitalRead(DOWN_BTN_PIN) == 1) { blink = 1; switch (setIndex) { case SET_HOUR: hour == 23 ? (hour = 0) : hour++; break; case SET_MINUTE: minute == 59 ? (minute = 0) : minute++; break; case SET_YEAR: year == 99 ? (year = 0) : year++; break; case SET_MONTH: month == 12 ? (month = 1) : month++; break; case SET_DAY: day == 31 ? (day = 1) : day++; break; default: break; } } if (digitalRead(UP_BTN_PIN) == 1) { blink = 1; switch (setIndex) { case SET_HOUR: hour == 0 ? (hour = 23) : hour--; break; case SET_MINUTE: minute == 0 ? (minute = 59) : minute--; break; case SET_YEAR: year == 0 ? (year = 99) : year--; break; case SET_MONTH: month == 1 ? (month = 12) : month--; break; case SET_DAY: day == 1 ? (day = 31) : day--; break; default: break; } } display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setFont(&DSEG7_Classic_Bold_53); display.setCursor(5, 80); if (setIndex == SET_HOUR) { // blink hour digits display.setTextColor(blink ? GxEPD_WHITE : GxEPD_BLACK); } if (hour < 10) { display.print("0"); } display.print(hour); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.print(":"); display.setCursor(108, 80); if (setIndex == SET_MINUTE) { // blink minute digits display.setTextColor(blink ? GxEPD_WHITE : GxEPD_BLACK); } if (minute < 10) { display.print("0"); } display.print(minute); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setCursor(45, 150); if (setIndex == SET_YEAR) { // blink minute digits display.setTextColor(blink ? GxEPD_WHITE : GxEPD_BLACK); } display.print(2000 + year); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.print("/"); if (setIndex == SET_MONTH) { // blink minute digits display.setTextColor(blink ? GxEPD_WHITE : GxEPD_BLACK); } if (month < 10) { display.print("0"); } display.print(month); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.print("/"); if (setIndex == SET_DAY) { // blink minute digits display.setTextColor(blink ? GxEPD_WHITE : GxEPD_BLACK); } if (day < 10) { display.print("0"); } display.print(day); display.display(true); // partial refresh } tmElements_t tm; tm.Month = month; tm.Day = day; tm.Year = y2kYearToTm(year); tm.Hour = hour; tm.Minute = minute; tm.Second = 0; RTC.set(tm); showMenu(menuIndex, false); } void Watchy::showAccelerometer() { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); Accel acc; long previousMillis = 0; long interval = 200; guiState = APP_STATE; pinMode(BACK_BTN_PIN, INPUT); while (1) { unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (digitalRead(BACK_BTN_PIN) == 1) { break; } if (currentMillis - previousMillis > interval) { previousMillis = currentMillis; // Get acceleration data bool res = sensor.getAccel(acc); uint8_t direction = sensor.getDirection(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setCursor(0, 30); if (res == false) { display.println("getAccel FAIL"); } else { display.print(" X:"); display.println(acc.x); display.print(" Y:"); display.println(acc.y); display.print(" Z:"); display.println(acc.z); display.setCursor(30, 130); switch (direction) { case DIRECTION_DISP_DOWN: display.println("FACE DOWN"); break; case DIRECTION_DISP_UP: display.println("FACE UP"); break; case DIRECTION_BOTTOM_EDGE: display.println("BOTTOM EDGE"); break; case DIRECTION_TOP_EDGE: display.println("TOP EDGE"); break; case DIRECTION_RIGHT_EDGE: display.println("RIGHT EDGE"); break; case DIRECTION_LEFT_EDGE: display.println("LEFT EDGE"); break; default: display.println("ERROR!!!"); break; } } display.display(true); // full refresh } } showMenu(menuIndex, false); } void Watchy::showWatchFace(bool partialRefresh) { display.setFullWindow(); drawWatchFace(); display.display(partialRefresh); // partial refresh guiState = WATCHFACE_STATE; } void Watchy::drawWatchFace() { display.setFont(&DSEG7_Classic_Bold_53); display.setCursor(5, 53 + 60); if (currentTime.Hour < 10) { display.print("0"); } display.print(currentTime.Hour); display.print(":"); if (currentTime.Minute < 10) { display.print("0"); } display.println(currentTime.Minute); } weatherData Watchy::getWeatherData() { return getWeatherData(settings.cityID, settings.weatherUnit, settings.weatherLang, settings.weatherURL, settings.weatherAPIKey, settings.weatherUpdateInterval); } weatherData Watchy::getWeatherData(String cityID, String units, String lang, String url, String apiKey, uint8_t updateInterval) { currentWeather.isMetric = units == String("metric"); if (weatherIntervalCounter < 0) { //-1 on first run, set to updateInterval weatherIntervalCounter = updateInterval; } if (weatherIntervalCounter >= updateInterval) { // only update if WEATHER_UPDATE_INTERVAL has elapsed // i.e. 30 minutes if (connectWiFi()) { HTTPClient http; // Use Weather API for live data if WiFi is connected http.setConnectTimeout(3000); // 3 second max timeout String weatherQueryURL = url + cityID + String("&units=") + units + String("&lang=") + lang + String("&appid=") + apiKey; http.begin(weatherQueryURL.c_str()); int httpResponseCode = http.GET(); if (httpResponseCode == 200) { String payload = http.getString(); JSONVar responseObject = JSON.parse(payload); currentWeather.temperature = int(responseObject["main"]["temp"]); currentWeather.weatherConditionCode = int(responseObject["weather"][0]["id"]); currentWeather.weatherDescription = JSONVar::stringify(responseObject["weather"][0]["main"]); currentWeather.external = true; // sync NTP during weather API call and use timezone of city gmtOffset = int(responseObject["timezone"]); syncNTP(gmtOffset); } else { // http error } http.end(); // turn off radios WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); btStop(); } else { // No WiFi, use internal temperature sensor uint8_t temperature = sensor.readTemperature(); // celsius if (!currentWeather.isMetric) { temperature = temperature * 9. / 5. + 32.; // fahrenheit } currentWeather.temperature = temperature; currentWeather.weatherConditionCode = 800; currentWeather.external = false; } weatherIntervalCounter = 0; } else { weatherIntervalCounter++; } return currentWeather; } float Watchy::getBatteryVoltage() { if (RTC.rtcType == DS3231) { return analogReadMilliVolts(BATT_ADC_PIN) / 1000.0f * 2.0f; // Battery voltage goes through a 1/2 divider. } else { return analogReadMilliVolts(BATT_ADC_PIN) / 1000.0f * 2.0f; } } uint16_t Watchy::_readRegister(uint8_t address, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { Wire.beginTransmission(address); Wire.write(reg); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom((uint8_t)address, (uint8_t)len); uint8_t i = 0; while (Wire.available()) { data[i++] = Wire.read(); } return 0; } uint16_t Watchy::_writeRegister(uint8_t address, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len) { Wire.beginTransmission(address); Wire.write(reg); Wire.write(data, len); return (0 != Wire.endTransmission()); } void Watchy::_bmaConfig() { if (sensor.begin(_readRegister, _writeRegister, delay) == false) { // fail to init BMA return; } // Accel parameter structure Acfg cfg; /*! Output data rate in Hz, Optional parameters: - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_0_78HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_1_56HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_3_12HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_6_25HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_12_5HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_25HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_50HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_100HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_200HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_400HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_800HZ - BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_1600HZ */ cfg.odr = BMA4_OUTPUT_DATA_RATE_100HZ; /*! G-range, Optional parameters: - BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_2G - BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_4G - BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_8G - BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_16G */ cfg.range = BMA4_ACCEL_RANGE_2G; /*! Bandwidth parameter, determines filter configuration, Optional parameters: - BMA4_ACCEL_OSR4_AVG1 - BMA4_ACCEL_OSR2_AVG2 - BMA4_ACCEL_NORMAL_AVG4 - BMA4_ACCEL_CIC_AVG8 - BMA4_ACCEL_RES_AVG16 - BMA4_ACCEL_RES_AVG32 - BMA4_ACCEL_RES_AVG64 - BMA4_ACCEL_RES_AVG128 */ cfg.bandwidth = BMA4_ACCEL_NORMAL_AVG4; /*! Filter performance mode , Optional parameters: - BMA4_CIC_AVG_MODE - BMA4_CONTINUOUS_MODE */ cfg.perf_mode = BMA4_CONTINUOUS_MODE; // Configure the BMA423 accelerometer sensor.setAccelConfig(cfg); // Enable BMA423 accelerometer // Warning : Need to use feature, you must first enable the accelerometer // Warning : Need to use feature, you must first enable the accelerometer sensor.enableAccel(); struct bma4_int_pin_config config; config.edge_ctrl = BMA4_LEVEL_TRIGGER; config.lvl = BMA4_ACTIVE_HIGH; config.od = BMA4_PUSH_PULL; config.output_en = BMA4_OUTPUT_ENABLE; config.input_en = BMA4_INPUT_DISABLE; // The correct trigger interrupt needs to be configured as needed sensor.setINTPinConfig(config, BMA4_INTR1_MAP); struct bma423_axes_remap remap_data; remap_data.x_axis = 1; remap_data.x_axis_sign = 0xFF; remap_data.y_axis = 0; remap_data.y_axis_sign = 0xFF; remap_data.z_axis = 2; remap_data.z_axis_sign = 0xFF; // Need to raise the wrist function, need to set the correct axis sensor.setRemapAxes(&remap_data); // Enable BMA423 isStepCounter feature sensor.enableFeature(BMA423_STEP_CNTR, true); // Enable BMA423 isTilt feature sensor.enableFeature(BMA423_TILT, true); // Enable BMA423 isDoubleClick feature sensor.enableFeature(BMA423_WAKEUP, true); // Reset steps sensor.resetStepCounter(); // Turn on feature interrupt sensor.enableStepCountInterrupt(); sensor.enableTiltInterrupt(); // It corresponds to isDoubleClick interrupt sensor.enableWakeupInterrupt(); } void Watchy::setupWifi() { display.epd2.setBusyCallback(0); // temporarily disable lightsleep on busy WiFiManager wifiManager; wifiManager.resetSettings(); wifiManager.setTimeout(WIFI_AP_TIMEOUT); wifiManager.setAPCallback(_configModeCallback); display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); if (!wifiManager.autoConnect(WIFI_AP_SSID)) { // WiFi setup failed display.println("Setup failed &"); display.println("timed out!"); } else { display.println("Connected to"); display.println(WiFi.SSID()); display.println("Local IP:"); display.println(WiFi.localIP()); weatherIntervalCounter = -1; // Reset to force weather to be read again } display.display(false); // full refresh // turn off radios WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); btStop(); // enable lightsleep on busy display.epd2.setBusyCallback(WatchyDisplay::busyCallback); guiState = APP_STATE; } void Watchy::_configModeCallback(WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 30); display.println("Connect to"); display.print("SSID: "); display.println(WIFI_AP_SSID); display.print("IP: "); display.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); display.println("MAC address:"); display.println(WiFi.softAPmacAddress().c_str()); display.display(false); // full refresh } bool Watchy::connectWiFi() { if (WL_CONNECT_FAILED == WiFi.begin()) { // WiFi not setup, you can also use hard coded credentials // with WiFi.begin(SSID,PASS); WIFI_CONFIGURED = false; } else { if (WL_CONNECTED == WiFi.waitForConnectResult()) { // attempt to connect for 10s WIFI_CONFIGURED = true; } else { // connection failed, time out WIFI_CONFIGURED = false; // turn off radios WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); btStop(); } } return WIFI_CONFIGURED; } void Watchy::showUpdateFW() { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 30); display.println("Please visit"); display.println("watchy.sqfmi.com"); display.println("with a Bluetooth"); display.println("enabled device"); display.println(" "); display.println("Press menu button"); display.println("again when ready"); display.println(" "); display.println("Keep USB powered"); display.display(false); // full refresh guiState = FW_UPDATE_STATE; } void Watchy::updateFWBegin() { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 30); display.println("Bluetooth Started"); display.println(" "); display.println("Watchy BLE OTA"); display.println(" "); display.println("Waiting for"); display.println("connection..."); display.display(false); // full refresh BLE BT; BT.begin("Watchy BLE OTA"); int prevStatus = -1; int currentStatus; while (1) { currentStatus = BT.updateStatus(); if (prevStatus != currentStatus || prevStatus == 1) { if (currentStatus == 0) { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 30); display.println("BLE Connected!"); display.println(" "); display.println("Waiting for"); display.println("upload..."); display.display(false); // full refresh } if (currentStatus == 1) { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 30); display.println("Downloading"); display.println("firmware:"); display.println(" "); display.print(BT.howManyBytes()); display.println(" bytes"); display.display(true); // partial refresh } if (currentStatus == 2) { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 30); display.println("Download"); display.println("completed!"); display.println(" "); display.println("Rebooting..."); display.display(false); // full refresh delay(2000); esp_restart(); } if (currentStatus == 4) { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 30); display.println("BLE Disconnected!"); display.println(" "); display.println("exiting..."); display.display(false); // full refresh delay(1000); break; } prevStatus = currentStatus; } delay(100); } // turn off radios WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); btStop(); showMenu(menuIndex, false); } void Watchy::showSyncNTP() { display.setFullWindow(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&FreeMonoBold9pt7b); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_WHITE); display.setCursor(0, 30); display.println("Syncing NTP... "); display.print("GMT offset: "); display.println(gmtOffset); display.display(false); // full refresh if (connectWiFi()) { if (syncNTP()) { display.println("NTP Sync Success\n"); display.println("Current Time Is:"); RTC.read(currentTime); display.print(tmYearToCalendar(currentTime.Year)); display.print("/"); display.print(currentTime.Month); display.print("/"); display.print(currentTime.Day); display.print(" - "); if (currentTime.Hour < 10) { display.print("0"); } display.print(currentTime.Hour); display.print(":"); if (currentTime.Minute < 10) { display.print("0"); } display.println(currentTime.Minute); } else { display.println("NTP Sync Failed"); } } else { display.println("WiFi Not Configured"); } display.display(true); // full refresh delay(3000); showMenu(menuIndex, false); } bool Watchy::syncNTP() { // NTP sync - call after connecting to WiFi and // remember to turn it back off return syncNTP(gmtOffset, settings.ntpServer.c_str()); } bool Watchy::syncNTP(long gmt) { return syncNTP(gmt, settings.ntpServer.c_str()); } bool Watchy::syncNTP(long gmt, String ntpServer) { // NTP sync - call after connecting to // WiFi and remember to turn it back off WiFiUDP ntpUDP; NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, ntpServer.c_str(), gmt); timeClient.begin(); if (!timeClient.forceUpdate()) { return false; // NTP sync failed } tmElements_t tm; breakTime((time_t)timeClient.getEpochTime(), tm); RTC.set(tm); return true; }