Moved class members to RTC_DATA_ATTR to persist through deep sleep

Paco Hope 2021-12-30 12:52:43 -05:00
parent 5f129ecb84
commit 95322d05e5
1 changed files with 19 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,18 @@ RTC_DATA_ATTR bool BLE_CONFIGURED;
RTC_DATA_ATTR weatherData currentWeather;
RTC_DATA_ATTR bool displayFullInit = true;
// Weather related variables. Explained in comment at setupWeather() below.
RTC_DATA_ATTR bool weatherCelsius = true;
RTC_DATA_ATTR uint32_t weatherCity = 5128581; // New York City, USA
RTC_DATA_ATTR String weatherLang = "en";
// Change this to use your own API key!
RTC_DATA_ATTR String weatherAPIKey = "f058fe1cad2afe8e2ddc5d063a64cecb";
// Initialise these both to the SAME value, so the weather will
// be fetched the first time getWeatherData() is called.
RTC_DATA_ATTR uint16_t weatherIntervalCounter = 30;
RTC_DATA_ATTR uint16_t weatherInterval = 30;
Watchy::Watchy(){} //constructor
void Watchy::init(String datetime){
@ -76,7 +88,7 @@ void Watchy::setupWeather( uint32_t city,
weatherCelsius = celsius;
weatherAPIKey = apikey;
weatherLang = lang;
weatherInit = true; // record the fact that we initialised
// indicates that weather needs to be fetched
weatherIntervalCounter = weatherInterval;
@ -595,15 +607,12 @@ void Watchy::drawWatchFace(){
//! return a weatherData structure with current weather, if available.
uses weatherInterval, weatherAPIKey, weatherCity, and weatherCelsius
If weather is not available by WiFi/internet, it reads the sensor's temperature
and sets the description to "Ambient".
weatherData Watchy::getWeatherData(){
String units = String("metric");
if( weatherInit == false ) {
// Change this to use your own API key!
String APIkey = String("f058fe1cad2afe8e2ddc5d063a64cecb");
// Initialise to defaults (NYC, metric, 30 minutes, SQFMI's API key)
setupWeather( 5128581, true, 30, String("en"), APIkey );
String units;
if(weatherIntervalCounter >= weatherInterval){ //only update if weatherInterval has elapsed i.e. 30 minutes
@ -613,6 +622,8 @@ weatherData Watchy::getWeatherData(){
if( weatherCelsius == false ) {
units = String("imperial");
} else {
units = String("metric");
String weatherQueryURL =
String(OPENWEATHERMAP_URL) + String(weatherCity) +