# Bahn for Watchy My very first watchface for Watchy. Forked from [Bahn for Watchy](https://github.com/BraininaBowl/Bahn-for-Watchy) by [braininabowl](https://github.com/BraininaBowl). His original design inspired by [Din Time for Pebble](https://christianliljeberg.se/din-time/) by [Christian Liljeberg](https://christianliljeberg.se/). ## Additions - Foot icon by step counter - Reading ambient temperature from RTC if internet is not available. - Added degree symbol (ยบ) to font - Added leading zero to single-digit hours ## Useful Links - [Online font converter](https://oleddisplay.squix.ch/#/home) Choose a font, size, and make sure to have it create **AdaFruit GFX Font** - [LCD Image Converter](https://github.com/riuson/lcd-image-converter)