''' Command line module for calling tootapalooza to do its work ''' __all__ = ['tootapalooza'] __author__ = 'Paco Hope ' __date__ = '25 November 2022' __version__ = '1.0' __copyright__ = 'Copyright © 2022 Paco Hope. See LICENSE for details.' import mastodon import toml import time import argparse import sys from pathlib import Path import random import re import logging from tootapalooza.userdata.names import usernames args=None logger=None class Tooter(mastodon.Mastodon): credentials: dict = {} hostname : str = '' files : dict = {} client_id : str = '.tootapalooza.env' def __init__(self, name: str): cred_dict = self.credentials[name] self.acct = name self.username = cred_dict['addr'] self.password = cred_dict['pass'] self.displayname = cred_dict['name'] self.cred_file = f'.tootapalooza-usercred-{self.acct}.env' super().__init__(access_token = self.cred_file, client_id=self.client_id, user_agent = "tootapalooza") # Try a basic call to ensure we are logged in try: account = self.me() except mastodon.errors.MastodonUnauthorizedError: logger.warn(f"Warning {self.acct} not logged in. Logging in.") self.revoke_access_token() try: self.log_in( self.username, self.password, to_file=self.cred_file ) except Exception as e: logger.critical( f"Failed to login as {self.acct}" ) return None # if logging in worked, this will work account = self.me() self.id = account['id'] @classmethod def load_credentials(cls, file: str) -> None: as_dict = toml.load(file) for username, fields in as_dict.items(): if not isinstance(fields, dict): raise TypeError(f'{username} has no key/value pairs') if 'addr' not in fields: raise KeyError(f'`addr` field missing from {username}') if 'pass' not in fields: raise KeyError(f'`pass` field missing from {username}') cls.credentials = as_dict @classmethod def load_src_files(cls, dir: Path) -> None: for item in dir.iterdir(): if not item.is_file(): continue with item.open('r') as f: cls.files[f.name] = f.readlines() @classmethod def new_message(cls) -> str: """Choose a message from all the source texts. Returns the message.""" sourcefile = random.choice(list(cls.files.values())) startline = random.randint(0,len(sourcefile)) sourceline = '' i=0 # Starting at a random line, keep adding more lines to my # toot until I get over 400 characters (max is 500 on most # mastodon servers) while(len(sourceline) < 400 and startline+i < len(sourcefile)): sourceline=sourceline+sourcefile[startline+i] i+=1 # Try to find a 400-odd character string that ends in a full stop tootline = re.search( '((\s|\S){,400})\.', sourceline ) if( tootline ): message=tootline.group(0).strip() else: message=sourceline.strip() return(message) def read_timeline(self, *timeline_args, **timeline_kwargs) -> list: """Reads the given timeline (just a wrapper for self.timeline()) but also updates the read marker for the timeline.""" result = self.timeline(*timeline_args, **timeline_kwargs) # try to get timeline from kwargs. if not passed as keyword, try to # get as positional. if no positional args were passed, try to get # as keyword again. try: timeline_name = timeline_kwargs.get('timeline',timeline_args[0]) except IndexError: timeline_name = timeline_kwargs['timeline'] if( len(result) > 0 and not args.dry_run ): self.markers_set([timeline_name], [result[-1].id]) return result def toot_tagged_public(self) -> int: """Get a random message, pick a small number of words in it to hashtag. Then toot it publicly.""" logger.debug(f"{self.acct} toot_tagged_public") rawmessage = self.new_message().split() numtaggable = sum(1 for word in rawmessage if len(word) > 3) # Pick a small number of words to tag, but not greater than the # total number of words there are, nor the total number of taggable # words. tagstodo = min(random.randint(1,6), len(rawmessage), numtaggable) while( tagstodo > 0 ): wordix = random.randrange(0, len(rawmessage)) if( len(rawmessage[wordix]) > 3 and rawmessage[wordix][0] != '#' ): rawmessage[wordix] = '#' + rawmessage[wordix] tagstodo -=1 message = ' '.join(rawmessage) if( args.dry_run ): logger.info(f"tagged toot message: \"{message}\"") else: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} tagged toots \"{message}\"") self.toot(message) return 0 def toot_plain_public(self) -> int: """Toot a random message.""" logger.debug(f"{self.acct} toot_plain_public") message = self.new_message() if( args.dry_run ): logger.info(f"toot message: \"{message}\"") else: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} toots \"{message}\"") self.toot(message) return 0 def toot_plain_unlisted(self) -> int: """Toot a random message unlisted.""" message = self.new_message() if( args.dry_run ): logger.info(f"toot unlisted message: \"{message}\"") else: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} toots unlisted \"{message}\"") self.status_post( message, visibility='private' ) return( 0 ) def reply_random_local(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} reply_random_local") return(self._reply_random('local')) def reply_random_home(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} reply_random_home") return(self._reply_random('home')) def reply_random_public(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} reply_random_public") return(self._reply_random('public')) def _reply_random(self, timeline: str) -> int: """Read the given timeline, pick a post at random, reply to it.""" chunk_size = 20 max_posts = 100 timeline_list = [] while( len(timeline_list) < max_posts ): posts_received = self.read_timeline(timeline=timeline, limit=chunk_size) if( len(posts_received) == 0 ): break timeline_list.extend(posts_received) reply_post = random.choice(timeline_list) message = self.new_message() if( args.dry_run ): logger.info(f"{self.acct} replied to {timeline} {reply_post.id}") else: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} replied to {reply_post.account.acct} {reply_post.uri}") self.status_post( message, in_reply_to_id=reply_post.id, visibility='public' ) def follow_random_local(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} follow_random_local") followlist = self.account_following(id=self.id) followed_people = {account.acct for account in followlist} # This does outersection on sets. It's the set of all users we know about # (from the users.toml file) minus ourselves and anyone we already follow potentials = set(self.credentials) ^ {self.acct} ^ followed_people follow_target = random.choice(list(potentials)) target_dict = self.account_lookup(follow_target) if( args.dry_run ): logger.info(f"{self.acct} will follow {follow_target} (id: {target_dict.id})") else: self.account_follow(target_dict.id) return( 0 ) def unfollow_random(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} unfollow_random") followlist = self.account_following(id=self.id) unfollowee = random.choice(followlist) if( len(followlist) == 0 ): logger.debug(f"{self.acct} can't unfollow! Not following anyone.") return( 0 ) if( args.dry_run ): logger.info(f"{self.acct} unfollows {unfollowee.acct} (id: {unfollowee.id})") else: self.account_unfollow(unfollowee.id) return( 0 ) def boost_random_local(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} boost_random_local") return( 0 ) def favourite_random_local(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} favourite_random_local") return( self._favourite( timeline='local') ) def favourite_random_public(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} favourite_random_public") return( self._favourite( timeline='public') ) def favourite_random_home(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} favourite_random_home") return( self._favourite( timeline='home') ) def _favourite(self, timeline: str) -> int: chunk_size = 20 timeline_list = self.read_timeline(timeline=timeline, limit=chunk_size) if( len(timeline_list) == 0 ): return( 1 ) fav_post = random.choice(timeline_list) if( args.dry_run): logger.info(f"{self.acct} favourites {fav_post.id}") else: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} favourites {fav_post.id}") self.status_favourite(id=fav_post.id) return( 0 ) def boost_random_local(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} boost_random_local") return( self._boost( timeline='local') ) def boost_random_public(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} boost_random_public") return( self._boost( timeline='public') ) def boost_random_home(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} boost_random_home") return( self._boost( timeline='home') ) def _boost(self, timeline: str) -> int: chunk_size = 20 timeline_list = self.read_timeline(timeline=timeline, limit=chunk_size) if( len(timeline_list) == 0 ): return( 1 ) fav_post = random.choice(timeline_list) if( args.dry_run): logger.info(f"{self.acct} boosts {fav_post.id}") else: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} boosts {fav_post.id}") self.status_reblog(id=fav_post.id) return( 0 ) def report_random_local(self) -> int: logger.debug(f"{self.acct} report_random_local") return( 0 ) def set_display_name(self) -> int: newname = random.choice(usernames) logger.debug(f"{self.acct} set_display_name to {newname}") self.account_update_credentials(display_name=newname) return( 0 ) def random_interaction(self): """Choose one possible interaction according to the weights, and do it.""" interactions = { self.reply_random_local: 0, self.reply_random_home: 0, self.reply_random_public: 0, self.follow_random_local: 0, self.unfollow_random: 0, self.toot_plain_public: 0, self.toot_tagged_public: 0, self.toot_plain_unlisted: 0, self.favourite_random_local: 0, self.favourite_random_home: 0, self.favourite_random_public: 0, self.boost_random_local: 0, self.boost_random_home: 0, self.boost_random_public: 0, self.set_display_name: 1, self.report_random_local: 0 } chosen = random.choices(population=list(interactions.keys()), weights=list(interactions.values()))[0] chosen() def daemon_main(tooter: Tooter): """Run from a command line.""" while True: # do a thing time.sleep(600) def main(): global args global logger parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Randomly interact with a Mastodon timeline.') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Enable debugging messages.') parser.add_argument( '-o', '--once', action='store_true', help='Run once and exit. Default is to run as a daemon.') parser.add_argument( '-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Don\'t toot. Just show what would be done.') parser.add_argument( '-D', '--directory', default='text', help='Directory with text source files for toot bodies.') parser.add_argument( 'file', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help='TOML file with user credentials (see server-util/README.md).') args = parser.parse_args() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s\t%(message)s') if( args.debug ): logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) p = Path(args.directory) if not p.exists(): logger.error(f'{sys.argv[0]}: {args.directory}: No such file or directory') return 2 if not p.is_dir(): logger.error(f'{sys.argv[0]}: {args.directory}: Is not a directory') return 2 Tooter.load_src_files(p) Tooter.load_credentials(args.file) if args.once: for name in Tooter.credentials: t = Tooter(name) t.random_interaction() return 0 daemon_main(t) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())