# toota-palooza Python program to fill a mastodon timeline with randomized toots. # Setting up a Dev environment So you want to run this yourself, eh? You need: 1. A bot account on an instance. Go create one. Do **not** enable MFA on it. 2. Python ## Python prep 1. Check out the code. cd to the repository. Build it and install it in your working environment. 1. `python3 -m venv .venv` 2. Run `pyproject-build` 3. Assuming your current working directory is the root of this repository, install into your build environment with `pip install -e .` 2. Copy the `example.env` file to a file named `.env` in the root of this repo. 3. Edit that `.env` file to contain all the secrets! ## Initialise your Mastodon app This is a one-time thing you do ever. First time you go to run the bot in a new environment where it hasn't run before. 1. Find `toota-palooza/__init__.py` and edit it 2. Edit the lines to uncomment them and change any values you need to (like app name and server) 3. Run it one time (e.g., `python __init__.py`). It should just exit, creating the file. 4. Edit the file and comment the lines out again. You just do that once. # Running Assuming everything is up to date, all your files initialised with correct values, you can just run `toota-palooza`. Currently it runs once, does its stuff, and exits.