# Nicholas Hope Science Fair 2023 Code and Logs This is the repo for my (Nicholas Hope) code that analyzes log files from various servers across the world. THE SCIENCE FAIR IS NOW OVER. THIS CODE IS LEFT ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXAMINATION.   ## Contents There are three main components: 1. `fetch-logs.sh`, which would retrieve log files from the servers when they were running. __It is now not functional, as those servers are not availible anymore.__ 2. `analyze.py`, a Python script to analyze the data and produce a CSV. 3. `logs/`, the directory containing all of the log files.   ## Instructions 0. Clone the repository 1. For each directory, unpack all access.log.*.gz 2. Run the python script `analyze.py`, providing the log directory as the first and only argument. 3. It will make a new file, `analysis.csv` containing the analysis. Do with this data what you please.