
238 lines
8.0 KiB

use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::fs::read_dir;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::io::ErrorKind;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use crate::args::Args;
use crate::unit::Unit;
use rayon::prelude::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Directory {
name: PathBuf,
size: u64,
children: Vec<Directory>,
impl Directory {
pub const fn size(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
pub fn new< P: AsRef<Path> >(path: P, args: &Args) -> Result<Option<Self>> {
let path = path.as_ref();
// NOTE: I go back and forth on canonicalize()ing all the time.
// I feel like it changes every commit. The performance loss seems
// to be negligible, even when I do crazy things like `hb -p /`, which
// is the most I can currently do.
let name = match (path.canonicalize(), args.persistant()) {
(Ok(path), _) => path,
(Err(_), true) => return Ok(None),
(Err(e), false) => return Err(e.into()),
.map_or_else(|| OsString::from("/"), ToOwned::to_owned)
// symlink_metadata() is the same as metadata() but it doesn't
// traverse symlinks, so that we can exclude them if necessary
let meta = match (path.symlink_metadata(), args.persistant()) {
(Ok(md), _) => md,
(Err(_), true) => return Ok(None),
(Err(e), false) => return Err(e.into()),
if args.should_exclude(path, &meta) {
// Ok(None) is only meant to arise from an error
// while persistant. When that happens, a no-op
// entry is substituted, which is precisely
// we want to happen when we hit an excluded file.
// NOTE: return Ok(None) is *not* equivalent, because
// that's only produced when an error occurs but
// the program is running in persistant mode. I used
// to return that, but that causes incredibly
// bizarre and wrong behaviour.
return Ok(Some( Self { name, size: 0, children: Vec::new() } ))
let dir = match read_dir(path) {
Ok(dir) => dir,
Err(io_error) => match io_error.kind() {
ErrorKind::NotADirectory => {
return Ok(Some(
Self {
size: meta.len(),
children: Vec::new()
other => return Result::context(
format!("{}: {}", path.display(), other)
// this is a compicated iterator pattern. I'll do my best to explain.
// 1. the end result is that we `reduce()` the iterator to a single
// (u64, Vec<Directory>) tuple to return. this is done by...
let (size, children) =
// 2. taking the iterator over the directory and parallelising it...
// 3, this is the recursive step: try to create new Directory
// objects from each item in the iterator
.map(|entry| Self::new(entry?.path(), args))
// 4. the fold (this is try_fold because we're iterating over Result.).
// each fold adds a directory as a child and increases the total size
|| (0, Vec::new()),
|(mut size, mut children), dir| -> Result<(u64, Vec<Self>)> {
let Some(dir) = Result::from(dir)?
else {
// some intermediate operation failed, but we
// are persistant, so just skip
return Result::Ok((0, Vec::new()))
size += dir.size;
// have to specify anyhow::Result::Ok otherwise it complains
// that it can't infer the E in Result<T, E>
Result::Ok((size, children))
// 5. the final step is to reduce, which is as simple as concatenating
// every vector and summing up their sizes.
|| (0, Vec::new()),
|(asize, mut avec), (bsize, bvec)| {
Result::Ok((asize + bsize, avec))
// ^ note the Try, because of course any of these operations could
// fail
// final notes:
// 1. I am unsure if it is better to do a bunch of partial sums
// during the fold() and reduce() steps, or if it is best to
// have them only do data collection and sum the lengths
// later. intuitively we would want to do everything in
// parallel but I have no data to support this.
// 2. this is a super complicated iterator pattern, If anyone
// knows how to simplify it I'm all ears, but being
// parallel is the main advantage it has over du so I don't
// want to abandon that, even though a serial for loop is
// *incredibly* clearer.
Self {
pub fn tree(self, args: &Args) -> String {
// since self.size is definitionally the greatest value, the tab length
// is just the length of self.len, plus two for a tab width
let tab_size = self.size.to_string().len() + 2;
.map(|e| e.stringify_tabbed(tab_size))
.reduce(|s1, s2| s1 + "\n" + &s2)
/// TODO: make not recursive, take &self if possible,
/// and maybe write directly to stdout to not use so much mem
fn vectorise(mut self, args: &Args) -> Vec<TreeEntry> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
self.name.display().to_string(), self.size, args.unit()
let mut new_entry_part = TreePart::First;
let mut continue_part = TreePart::Wait;
self.children.retain(|dir| args.should_print(dir.path()));
let len = self.children.len();
for (idx, child) in self.children.into_iter().enumerate() {
if idx+1 == len {
new_entry_part = TreePart::Last;
continue_part = TreePart::Blank;
let subtree = child.vectorise(args);
for mut item in subtree {
if item.parts.is_empty() {
} else {
struct TreeEntry {
parts: Vec<TreePart>,
path: String,
size: u64,
unit: Unit
impl TreeEntry {
fn new(path: String, size: u64, unit: Unit) -> Self {
Self {
parts: Vec::new(), path, size, unit
fn stringify_tabbed(&self, tab_size: usize) -> String {
let mut result = format!("{:<tab_size$}", self.unit.convert(self.size));
for part in self.parts.iter().rev() {
result += part.display();
// dont add the space to empty entries
result += " ";
result += &self.path;
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
enum TreePart {
impl TreePart {
/// convert to ascii art
pub const fn display(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Self::First => "├──",
Self::Wait => "",
Self::Last => "└──",
Self::Blank => " ",