minor refactoring

Nicholas Hope 2024-03-11 12:59:34 -04:00
parent 60f0e550fa
commit a65e78b915
1 changed files with 55 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
use std::fs::read_dir;
use std::hint::unreachable_unchecked;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::io::{Result, ErrorKind};
use crate::unit::Unit;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Directory {
name: PathBuf,
@ -9,12 +12,17 @@ pub struct Directory {
children: Vec<Directory>,
impl Directory {
pub const fn size(&self) -> u64 {
pub fn scale(&self, unit: Unit) -> String {
pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {
@ -24,9 +32,15 @@ impl Directory {
P: AsRef<Path>
let path = path.as_ref();
let name = path.canonicalize()?.file_name().unwrap().into();
let name = path.canonicalize()?
// file_name() returns None if and only if the path ends in "..".
// due to the call to canonicalize(), this can never be the case,
// so this can be safely unwrapped
.unwrap_or_else(|| unsafe { unreachable_unchecked() })
let dir = match read_dir(&path) {
let dir = match read_dir(path) {
Ok(dir) => dir,
Err(io_error) => match io_error.kind() {
ErrorKind::NotADirectory => return Ok(Self {
@ -37,11 +51,11 @@ impl Directory {
_ => return Err(io_error),
let mut size = 0;
let mut children = Vec::new();
for entry in dir {
let child = Directory::new(entry?.path())?;
let child = Self::new(entry?.path())?;
size += child.size;
@ -53,19 +67,28 @@ impl Directory {
pub fn display(self) -> String {
pub fn display(self, unit: Unit) -> String {
// since self.size is definitionally the greatest value, the tab length
// is just the length of self.len, plus two for a tab width
let tab_size = self.size.to_string().len() + 2;
self.vectorise().iter().map(|e| e.to_string(tab_size) + "\n").collect()
let mut result = self.vectorise(unit).iter().map(|e| e.stringify_tabbed(tab_size) + "\n").collect::<String>();
if ! result.is_empty() {
let final_newline_char_range = result.len()-2 .. result.len();
/// TODO: make not recursive, take &self if possible,
/// and maybe write directly to stdout to not use so much mem
fn vectorise(self) -> Vec<TreeEntry> {
fn vectorise(self, unit: Unit) -> Vec<TreeEntry> {
let mut result = Vec::new();
result.push(TreeEntry(Vec::new(), self.name.display().to_string(), self.size));
Vec::new(), self.name.display().to_string(), self.size, unit
let mut new_entry_part = TreePart::First;
let mut continue_part = TreePart::Wait;
@ -78,13 +101,13 @@ impl Directory {
continue_part = TreePart::Blank;
let subtree = child.vectorise();
let subtree = child.vectorise(unit);
for mut item in subtree {
if item.0.len() == 0 {
if item.parts.is_empty() {
} else {
@ -95,18 +118,29 @@ impl Directory {
struct TreeEntry(Vec<TreePart>, String, u64);
struct TreeEntry {
parts: Vec<TreePart>,
path: String,
size: u64,
unit: Unit
impl TreeEntry {
fn to_string(&self, tab_size: usize) -> String {
let mut result = format!("{:<tab_size$}", self.2);
fn new(parts: Vec<TreePart>, path: String, size: u64, unit: Unit) -> Self {
Self {
parts, path, size, unit
fn stringify_tabbed(&self, tab_size: usize) -> String {
let mut result = format!("{:<tab_size$}", self.unit.convert(self.size));
for part in self.0.iter().rev() {
result += &part.display().to_owned();
for part in self.parts.iter().rev() {
result += part.display();
// dont add the space to empty entries
result += " ";
result += &self.1;
result += &self.path;