modulised some data structures

nick 2024-03-13 17:41:06 -04:00
parent 158aaea2f3
commit 8523c396c5
3 changed files with 243 additions and 101 deletions

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
use clap::{Parser, ArgAction};
use glob::Pattern;
use crate::unit::Unit;
use std::fs::Metadata;
use std::path::{Component, Path};
use std::slice::Iter;
use std::iter::once_with;
#[derive(Parser, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Args {
short, long, default_value_t = false,
help = "keep going if an error occurs",
long_help = "keep going if an error occurs (ex. unreadable subdirectories in a readable directory)"
persistant: bool,
short, long,
help = "minimize output",
long_help = "print nothing but the total size for all directories, without a newline. Also supresses all error messages",
conflicts_with = "total",
default_value_t = false,
minimal: bool,
short='T', long,
help = "display in tree",
default_value_t = false,
conflicts_with = "minimal",
tree: bool,
short, long,
help = "display the total size",
conflicts_with = "minimal",
default_value_t = false,
total: bool,
short='2', long,
help = "alias for --unit 1024",
default_value_t = false,
conflicts_with_all = ["si","unit"],
base_two: bool,
short='k', long,
help = "alias for --unit 1000",
default_value_t = false,
conflicts_with_all = ["base_two","unit"],
si: bool,
short, long,
help = "unit to print in",
long_help = "printing unit (case insensitive): b = bytes, kb = kilobytes, ki = kibibytes, gb = gigabytes, gi = gibibytes, tb = terabytes, ti = tibibytes",
value_parser = Unit::parse,
default_value_t = Unit::Byte,
conflicts_with_all = ["base_two","si"],
unit: Unit,
short='s', long,
help = "follow symlinks",
default_value_t = false,
follow_links: bool,
short='x', long = "exclude",
help = "include in search, but exclude from printing",
long_help = "include in search, but exclude from printing. accepts glob syntax",
default_values_t = once_with(|| Pattern::new(".*").unwrap()),
value_parser = parse_glob,
value_delimiter = ',',
action = ArgAction::Append,
exclude_print: Vec<Pattern>,
short='X', long,
help = "exclude from search and printing",
default_values_t = once_with(|| Pattern::new("").unwrap()),
value_parser = parse_glob,
value_delimiter = ',',
action = ArgAction::Append,
exclude_search: Vec<Pattern>,
short='H', long,
help = "disable implicit hiding of results",
long_help = "don't implicitly hide dotfiles and dot directories",
conflicts_with = "exclude_print",
default_value_t = false,
show_hidden: bool,
value_parser = validate_path,
help = "items to summate",
action = ArgAction::Append,
num_args = 1..
path: Vec<String>,
impl Args {
pub fn post_process(mut self) -> Self {
if self.base_two {
self.unit = Unit::Kibi;
} else if {
self.unit = Unit::Kilo;
if self.show_hidden {
self.exclude_print = Vec::new();
if self.path.is_empty() {
self.path = vec![ ".".to_owned() ];
pub fn should_exclude(&self, path: &Path, file: &Metadata) -> bool {
if !self.follow_links && file.is_symlink() {
return true
any_pattern_matches_any_component(&self.exclude_search, path)
pub fn should_print(&self, path: &Path) -> bool {
! any_pattern_matches_any_component(&self.exclude_print, path)
// TODO: this exists because when a file matches an exclude pattern
// is it still returned, just with no size or children, so in order
// to not accidentally print things that we said we were excluding,
// we also have to check that it's not excluded by search.
// `self.exclude_print.extend(&self.exclude_search)` is wasteful,
// but until I find a better way this is what it's gotta be`
&& ! any_pattern_matches_any_component(&self.exclude_search, path)
pub const fn persistant(&self) -> bool {
pub const fn minimal(&self) -> bool {
pub const fn tree(&self) -> bool {
pub const fn total(&self) -> bool {
pub const fn unit(&self) -> Unit {
pub fn iter(&self) -> Iter<'_, String> {
fn validate_path(s: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
// try to access it's metadata, since that is what is used
// to get its length
.map(|_| s.to_string())
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn parse_glob(s: &str) -> Result<Pattern, String> {
Pattern::new(s).map_err(|_| format!("invalid glob: {s}"))
fn any_pattern_matches_any_component(patterns: &[Pattern], path: &Path) -> bool {
for pat in patterns {
for cmp in path.components() {
let Component::Normal(cmp) = cmp else { continue };
let Some(s) = cmp.to_str() else { continue };
if pat.matches(s) {
return true

View File

@ -1,107 +1,32 @@
#![feature(io_error_more, fs_try_exists)]
use clap::{Parser, ArgAction};
mod args;
mod directory;
mod unit;
use args::Args;
use directory::Directory;
use unit::Unit;
use clap::Parser;
use std::process::ExitCode;
#[derive(Parser, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Args {
short, long, default_value_t = false,
help = "keep going if an error occurs",
long_help = "keep going if an error occurs (ex. unreadable subdirectories in a readable directory)"
persistant: bool,
short, long,
help = "minimize output",
long_help = "print nothing but the total size for all directories, without a newline. Also supresses all error messages",
conflicts_with = "total",
default_value_t = false,
minimal: bool,
short='T', long,
help = "display in tree",
default_value_t = false,
conflicts_with = "minimal",
tree: bool,
short, long,
help = "display the total size",
conflicts_with = "minimal",
default_value_t = false,
total: bool,
short='2', long,
help = "alias for --unit 1024",
default_value_t = false,
conflicts_with_all = ["si","unit"],
base_two: bool,
short='0', long,
help = "alias for --unit 1000",
default_value_t = false,
conflicts_with_all = ["base_two","unit"],
si: bool,
short, long,
help = "unit to print in",
long_help = "printing unit (case insensitive): b = bytes, kb = kilobytes, ki = kibibytes, gb = gigabytes, gi = gibibytes, tb = terabytes, ti = tibibytes",
value_parser = Unit::parse,
default_value_t = Unit::Byte,
conflicts_with_all = ["base_two","si"],
unit: Unit,
value_parser = validate_path,
help = "items to summate",
action = ArgAction::Append,
num_args = 1..
path: Vec<String>,
fn validate_path(s: &str) -> Result<String, String> {
// try to access it's metadata, since that is what is used
// to get its length
.map(|_| s.to_string())
.map_err(|e| e.to_string())
fn main() -> ExitCode {
let mut args = Args::parse();
let args = Args::parse().post_process();
// dbg!(&args);
if args.base_two {
args.unit = Unit::Kibi;
} else if {
args.unit = Unit::Kilo;
let mut total = 0;
for path in args.path {
let dir_structure = match Directory::new(path) {
Ok(ds) => ds,
for path in args.iter() {
let dir_structure = match Directory::new(path, &args) {
Ok(Some(ds)) => ds,
// this only ever returns None when persistant,
// so we don't need a match guard
Ok(None) => continue,
Err(e) => {
if !args.minimal {
if args.persistant() {
if !args.minimal() {
eprintln!("hb: {e}");
return ExitCode::FAILURE;
@ -110,28 +35,28 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
total += dir_structure.size();
if args.minimal {
if args.minimal() {
// skip printing (this is a matter of indentation)
if args.tree {
println!("{}", dir_structure.display(args.unit));
if args.tree() {
println!("{}", dir_structure.tree(&args));
} else {
"{}: {}",
let total = args.unit.convert(total);
let total = args.unit().convert(total);
if {
if {
println!("total: {total}");
else if args.minimal {
else if args.minimal() {

View File

@ -15,12 +15,14 @@ pub enum Unit {
impl Unit {
pub fn parse(s: &str) -> Result<Self, String> {
let s = s.to_lowercase();
match s.as_str() {
"b" => Ok(Self::Byte),
"b" | "bytes" => Ok(Self::Byte),
"k" | "kb" => Ok(Self::Kilo),
"ki" => Ok(Self::Kibi),
"m" | "mb" => Ok(Self::Mega),
@ -29,11 +31,19 @@ impl Unit {
"gi" => Ok(Self::Gibi),
"t" | "tb" => Ok(Self::Tera),
"ti" => Ok(Self::Tibi),
"blk" | "blks"
| "blck" |"blcks"
| "block" | "blocks" => Ok(Self::Blocks),
_ => Err(s),
pub fn convert(self, n: u64) -> String {
let n = if self == Self::Blocks {
} else {
format!("{}{}", n/self.integer_value(), self.units_pretty())
@ -48,6 +58,7 @@ impl Unit {
Self::Gibi => " Gi",
Self::Tera => " T",
Self::Tibi => " Ti",
Self::Blocks => " blocks"
@ -62,13 +73,14 @@ impl Unit {
Self::Gibi => 1_073_741_824,
Self::Tera => 1_000_000_000_000,
Self::Tibi => 1_099_511_627_776,
Self::Blocks => 512,
impl Display for Unit {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
let s = match self {
Self::Byte => "b",
Self::Byte => "bytes",
Self::Kilo => "K",
Self::Kibi => "Ki",
Self::Mega => "M",
@ -77,6 +89,7 @@ impl Display for Unit {
Self::Gibi => "Gi",
Self::Tera => "T",
Self::Tibi => "Ti",
Self::Blocks => "blk"