
763 lines
24 KiB

"""SIM800 library for the TiLDA MK4"""
___license___ = "MIT"
___dependencies___ = []
import machine
import time
import micropython
uart_port = 1
uart_default_baud = 115200
uart_timeout = 28
default_response_timeout = 2000
status_pin = machine.Pin(machine.Pin.GPIO_SIM_STATUS, machine.Pin.IN)
ringer_pin = machine.Pin(machine.Pin.GPIO_SIM_RI, machine.Pin.IN)
pwr_key_pin = machine.Pin(machine.Pin.GPIO_SIM_PWR_KEY, machine.Pin.OUT)
# Open the UART
uart = machine.UART(uart_port, uart_default_baud, mode=machine.UART.BINARY, timeout=uart_timeout)
dirtybuffer = False # Flag if the buffer could have residual end of reresponsesponces line in it?
callbacks = []
clip = ""
# Check if the SIM800 is powered up
def ison():
return status_pin.value()==1
# Check if the SIM800 is ringing
def isringing():
return ringer_pin.value()==0
# Register for a callback
def registercallback(call, function):
callbacks.append([call, function])
# Deregitser for a callback
def deregistercallback(function):
for entry in callbacks:
if entry[1]==function:
# Identify if this was a positive response
def ispositive(response):
return (response=="OK") or response.startswith("CONNECT") or response.startswith("SEND OK")
# Identify if this was a negative response
def isnegative(response):
return (response=="NO CARRIER") or (response=="ERROR") or (response=="NO DIALTONE") or (response=="BUSY") or (response=="NO ANSWER") or (response=="SEND FAIL") or (response=="TIMEOUT") or (response=="TimeOut")
# Identify if this is the completion of a response
def isdefinitive(response, custom=None):
if custom is not None:
return ispositive(response) or isnegative(response) or response.startswith(custom)
return ispositive(response) or isnegative(response)
# Extract the [first/only] parameter from a response
def extractval(parameter, response, default=""):
for entry in response:
if entry.startswith(parameter):
return (entry[len(parameter):]).strip()
return default
# Extract all parameter from a response
def extractvals(parameter, response):
result = []
for entry in response:
if entry.startswith(parameter):
return result
# Read a lines of response from the UART
def readline():
stringin = ""
while (True):
charin = uart.read(1)
# If we time out we are at the end of a line
if charin is None:
return stringin
# We this the end of the line?
elif (charin == b'\r'):
if (stringin!=""):
return stringin
# This will be part of the string then
elif not (charin == b'\n'):
stringin += str(charin, "ASCII")
# xxxy
# Check if we have a callback hook for this line
def processcallbacks(line):
global clip
# check for the caller line information
if line.startswith("+CLIP:"):
clip = line[6:].strip()
# Check for app callbacks
for entry in callbacks:
if line.startswith(entry[0]):
micropython.schedule(entry[1], line[len(entry[0]):].strip())
# Process the buffer for unsolicited result codes
def processbuffer():
while uart.any()>0:
line = readline()
# Execute a command on the module
# The same interface as and called by command() but without power so can be called from power()
def command_internal(command="AT", response_timeout=default_response_timeout, required_response=None, custom_endofdata=None):
global dirtybuffer
# Process anything remaining in the buffer
# Send the command
uart.write(command + "\r")
# Read the results
result = []
complete = False
customcomplete = required_response is None
timeouttime = time.time()+(response_timeout/1000)
while (time.time()<timeouttime):
line = readline()
# Remember the line if not empty
if (len(line)>0):
# Check if we have a standard end of response
if isdefinitive(line, custom_endofdata):
complete = True
# Check if we have the data we are looking for
if (required_response is not None) and (line.startswith(required_response)):
customcomplete = True
# Check if we are done
if complete and customcomplete:
return result
# We ran out of time
# set the dirty buffer flag is an out of date end of responcs cound end up in the buffer
if required_response is None:
dirtybuffer = True
return result
# Power on the SIM800 (True=on, False=off, returns true when on)
def power(onoroff, async):
# Get to a stable state if not async
if not async and pwr_key_pin.value():
# Press the virtual power key if we are off
if not (ison()==onoroff):
if not async:
# Have we just turned on?
isonnow = ison()
if (isonnow==onoroff) and pwr_key_pin.value():
# Stop pressing the virtual key
# Clear the buffer
dirtybuffer = False
# We are now live
if isonnow:
# Send a command to autonigotiate UART speed
# Turn on new SMS notificationn
# Turn on calling line identification notification
# Swith to text mode
# Switch to ASCII(ish)
# Enable DTMF detection
return isonnow
# Power on the SIM800 (returns true when on)
def poweron(async=False):
return power(True, async)
# Power off the SIM800 (returns true when off)
def poweroff(async=False):
return not power(False, async)
# Change the speed on the communication
def uartspeed(newbaud):
global uart
command("AT+IPR=" + str(newbaud))
if (newbaud==0):
uart = machine.UART(uart_port, uart_default_baud, mode=UART.BINARY, timeout=uart_timeout)
uart = machine.UART(uart_port, newbaud, mode=UART.BINARY, timeout=uart_timeout)
# command is the AT command without the AT or CR/LF, response_timeout (in ms) is how long to wait for completion, required_response is to wait for a non standard response, custom_endofdata will finish when found
def command(command="AT", response_timeout=default_response_timeout, required_response=None, custom_endofdata=None):
# Check we are powered on and set up
# Call the internal command() function
return command_internal(command, response_timeout, required_response, custom_endofdata)
# Make a voice call
def call(number):
command("ATD" + str(number) + ";", 20000)
# Answer a voice call
def answer():
command("ATA", 20000)
# End/reject a voice call
def hangup():
# Redial the last number
def redial():
# Get the current/latest number to call
def latestnumber():
if ison():
return clip.split(",")[0].strip("\"")
# Play DTMF tone(s) on a call
def dtmf(number):
validdigits = '1234567890#*ABCD'
for digit in str(number).upper():
if (digit in validdigits):
command("AT+VTS=" + digit)
elif (digit==','):
# Send an SMS message
def sendsms(number, message):
# Swith to text mode
# Switch to ASCII(ish)
# Send the message
command("AT+CMGS=\"" + str(number) + "\"", 2000, None, "> ")
return command(message + "\x1a", 60000)
# List the summery of SMS messages (0=unread,1=read,2=saved unread,3=saved sent, 4=all)
def listsms(stat=0):
statvals = ["REC UNREAD", "REC READ", "STO UNSENT", "STO SENT", "ALL"]
# Swith to text mode
# Retrieve the list
return extractvals("+CMGL:", command("AT+CMGL=\"" + statvals[stat] + "\",1", 8000))
# Check if we have recived a new unread SMS message
def newsms():
return len(listsms(stat=0))>0
# Read an SMS message
def readsms(index, leaveunread=False):
# Swith to text mode
# Switch to ASCII(ish)
# Retrieve the message
response = command("AT+CMGR=" + str(index) + "," + str(int(leaveunread)), 5000)
if (len(response)>=3):
return response[-2]
return ""
# Delete an SMS message
def deletesms(index):
command("AT+CMGD=" + str(index), 5000)
# Get the IMEI number of the SIM800
def imei():
response = command("AT+GSN")
if (len(response)>=2):
return response[-2]
return ""
# Get the IMSI number of the Sim Card
def imsi():
response = command("AT+CIMI")
if (len(response)>=2):
return response[-2]
return ""
# Get the ICCID of the Sim Card
def iccid():
response = command("AT+ICCID")
return extractval("+ICCID:", response)
# Get the received signal strength indication
def rssi():
response = command("AT+CSQ")
return int(extractval("+CSQ:", response, "0,0").split(",")[0])
# Get the bit error rate
def ber():
response = command("AT+CSQ")
return int(extractval("+CSQ:", response, "0,0").split(",")[1])
# Get the cell engineering information (True to include neighboring cell id)
def engineeringinfo(neighbor=False):
command("AT+CENG=1," + str(int(neighbor)))
response = command("AT+CENG?")
responselist = extractvals("+CENG:", response)[1:]
results = []
for entry in responselist:
results.append([entry[0], entry.replace("\"", "").split(",")[1:]])
return results
# Get the cell id of the currently connected cell
def cellid():
return engineeringinfo()[0][1][6]
# Get/Set ringer volume (0-100)
def ringervolume(level=None):
# Set the new leve if we have one to set
if level is not None:
command("AT+CRSL=" + str(level))
# Retieve the set level to report back
response = command("AT+CRSL?")
return int(extractval("+CRSL:", response, 0))
# Get/Set speaker volume (0-100)
def speakervolume(level=None):
# Set the new leve if we have one to set
if level is not None:
command("AT+CLVL=" + str(level))
# Retieve the set level to report back
response = command("AT+CLVL?")
return int(extractval("+CLVL:", response, 0))
# Get/Set/Preview and set the ringtone (alert is 0-19)
def ringtone(alert=None,preview=False):
# Set/preview the new ringtone if we have one to set
if alert is not None:
command("AT+CALS=" + str(alert) + "," + str(int(preview)))
# Retieve the current/new setting
response = command("AT+CALS?")
current = extractval("+CALS:", response, 0).split(",")[0]
# Stop the preview unless we started it
if alert is None:
command("AT+CALS=" + current + ",0")
# Return the surrent setting
return int(current)
# Play a tone though the SIM800 (MHz and ms)
def playtone(freq=0,duration=2000,async=True):
if freq>0:
command("AT+SIMTONE=1," + str(freq) + "," + str(duration) + ",0," + str(duration))
if not async:
# Record audio (id=1-10)
def startrecording(id=1, length=None):
if length is None:
return ispositive(command("AT+CREC=1," + str(id) + ",0")[-1])
return ispositive(command("AT+CREC=1," + str(id) + ",0," + str(int(length/1000)))[-1])
# Stop recording audio
def stoprecording():
return ispositive(command("AT+CREC=2")[-1])
# Delete recording
def deleterecording(id=1):
return ispositive(command("AT+CREC=3," + str(id))[-1])
# Play recording
def startplayback(id=1, channel=0, level=100, repeat=False):
return ispositive(command("AT+CREC=4," + str(id) + "," + str(channel) + "," + str(level) + "," + str(int(repeat)))[-1])
# Stop playback
def stopplayback():
return ispositive(command("AT+CREC=5")[-1])
# List recordings (returns a list of ids and size)
def listrecordings():
response = command("AT+CREC=7")
responselist = extractvals("+CREC:", response)
result = []
for entry in responselist:
splitentry = entry.split(",")
result.append([splitentry[1], splitentry[2]])
return result
# Is the battery charging (0=no, 1=yes, 2=full)
def batterycharging():
response = command("AT+CBC")
vals = extractval("+CBC:", response, "0,0,0").split(",")
return int(vals[0])
# How full is the battery (1-100)
def batterycharge():
response = command("AT+CBC")
vals = extractval("+CBC:", response, "0,0,0").split(",")
return int(vals[1])
# List the available operator (returns list of [0=?,1=available,2=current,3=forbidden], 0=long name, 1=short name, 2=GSMLAI )
def listoperators(available_only=True):
delim = "||||"
response = command("AT+COPS=?", 45000)
responsedata = extractval("+COPS:", response, "").split(",,")[0]
responselist = responsedata.replace("),(",delim)[1:-1].split(delim)
results = []
for entry in responselist:
subresults = []
for subentry in entry.split(","):
if (not available_only) or (subresults[0]=="1") or (subresults[0]=="2"):
return results
# Get the current operator (format 0=long name, 1=short name, 2=GSMLAI)
def currentoperator(format=0):
command("AT+COPS=3," + str(format))
response = command("AT+COPS?")
responsedata = extractval("+COPS:", response, "").split(",")
if (len(responsedata)>=3):
return responsedata[2].strip("\"")
return ""
# Set the operator selection ([0=automatic,1=Manual,2=deregister,4=try manual then automatic])
def setoperator(mode, format=None, operator=None):
params = ""
if format is not None:
params += "," + str(format)
if operator is not None:
params += "," + str(operator)
command("AT+COPS=" + str(mode) + params, 120000)
# Get the activity status (returns 0=ready, 2=unknown, 3=ringing, 4=call in progress)
def getstatus():
response = command("AT+CPAS")
return int(extractval("+CPAS:", response, "2"))
# Get the firmware revision
def getfirmwarever():
response = command("AT+CGMR")
if (len(response)>=3):
return response[-2]
return ""
# Request Unstructured Supplementary Service Data from network
def ussd(ussdstring, timeout=8000):
response = command("AT+CUSD=1,\"" + ussdstring + "\"", timeout, "+CUSD:")
return extractval("+CUSD:", response, "")
# Get my number (only works on some networks)
def getmynumber():
responsedata = ussd("*#100#", 8000).split(",")
if (len(responsedata)>=2):
num = responsedata[1].strip().strip("\"")
if num.isdigit()>0:
return num
return ""
# Turn on or off Bluetooth
def btpower(onoroff=True):
command("AT+BTPOWER=" + str(int(onoroff)), 8000)
# Turn on Bluetooth
def btpoweron():
# Turn off Bluetooth
def btpoweroff():
# Get the current status of Bluetooth (0=off,5=idel, other values docuemtned for "AT+BTSTATUS")
def btstatus():
response = command("AT+BTSTATUS?")
return int(extractval("+BTSTATUS:", response, "0"))
# Is Bluetooth on?
def btison():
return btstatus()>=5
# Get/Set the Bluetooth host device name
def btname(name=None):
if name is not None:
response = command("AT+BTHOST=" + str(name))
# Retrieve the current name
response = command("AT+BTHOST?")
responsedata = extractval("+BTHOST:", response, "").split(",")
return responsedata[0]
# Get the Bluetooth address
def btaddress():
response = command("AT+BTHOST?")
responsedata = extractval("+BTHOST:", response, "").split(",")
if (len(responsedata)>=2):
return responsedata[-1]
return ""
# Get/Set Bluetooth visibility (True for on, False for off)
def btvisible(visible=None):
# Power on if we want to be visible
if visibie:
# Set the new leve if we have one to set
if visible is not None:
command("AT+BTVIS=" + str(visible))
# Retieve the set gain to report back
response = command("AT+BTVIS?")
return int(extractval("+BTVIS:", response, 0))
# Get the Bluetooth address (timeout from 10000 to 60000, returnd device ID, name, address, rssi)
def btscan(timeout=30000):
response = command("AT+BTSCAN=1," + str(int(timeout/1000)), timeout+8000, "+BTSCAN: 1")
return extractvals("+BTSCAN: 0,", response)
# Pair a Bluetooth device
def btpair(device):
response = command("AT+BTPAIR=0," + str(device), 8000, "+BTPAIRING:")
return extractval("+BTPAIRING:", response, "").split(",")
# Confirm the pairing of a Bluetooth device
def btpairconfirm(passkey=None):
if passkey is None:
return command("AT+BTPAIR=1,1", 8000)
return command("AT+BTPAIR=2," + str(passkey), 8000)
# Cancel/reject the pairing of a Bluetooth device
def btpairreject():
return command("AT+BTPAIR=1,0", 8000)
# Unpair a Bluetooth device (unpair everything when device is 0)
def btunpair(device=0):
return command("AT+BTUNPAIR=" + str(device), 8000)
# List the paired Bluetooth devices
def btpaired():
response = command("AT+BTSTATUS?")
return extractvals("P:", response)
# List profiles supported by a paired device
def btgetprofiles(device):
response = command("AT+BTGETPROF=" + str(device), 8000)
responselist = extractvals("+BTGETPROF:", response)
results = []
for entry in responselist:
splitentry = entry.split(",")
subresults = [int(splitentry[0]), splitentry[1].strip("\"")]
return results
# Is a paticula profile supported (usename=False for id, True for name)
def btprofilesupported(device, usename):
profiles = btgetprofiles(device)
for entry in profiles:
if (type(usename)==int) and (entry[0]==usename):
return True
if (type(usename)==str) and (entry[1]==usename):
return True
return False
# Connect a Bluetooth device
def btconnect(device, profile):
response = command("AT+BTCONNECT=" + str(device) + "," + str(profile), 8000, "+BTCONNECT:")
return extractvals("+BTCONNECT:", response)
# Disconnect a Bluetooth device
def btdisconnect(device):
response = command("AT+BTDISCONN=" + str(device), 8000, "+BTDISCONN:")
return extractvals("+BTDISCONN:", response)
# List the Bluetooth connections
def btconnected():
response = command("AT+BTSTATUS?")
return extractvals("C:", response)
# Push an OPP object/file over Bluetooth (must be paired for OPP, monitor +BTOPPPUSH: for sucsess / fail / server issue)
def btopppush(device, filename):
response = command("AT+BTOPPPUSH=" + str(device) + "," + filename, 45000, "+BTOPPPUSH:")
responce2 = extractval("+BTOPPPUSH:", response, "")
return responce2=="1"
# Accept an OPP object/file from Bluetooth (monitor +BTOPPPUSHING: for offering, files stored in "\\User\\BtReceived")
def btoppaccept():
response = command("AT+BTOPPACPT=1", 45000, "+BTOPPPUSH:")
responce2 = extractval("+BTOPPPUSH:", response, 0)
return responce2=="1"
# Reject an OPP object/file transfer
def btoppreject():
# Make a voice call
def btcall(number):
command("AT+BTATD" + str(number), 20000)
# Answer a voice call
def btanswer():
command("AT+BTATA", 20000)
# End a voice call
def bthangup():
# Redial the last number
def btredial():
# Play DTMF tone(s) on a Bluetooth call
def btdtmf(number):
validdigits = '1234567890#*ABCD'
for digit in str(number).upper():
if (digit in validdigits):
command("AT+BTVTS=" + digit)
elif (digit==','):
# Get/Set Bluetooth voice gain (0-15)
def btvoicevolume(gain=None):
# Set the new leve if we have one to set
if gain is not None:
command("AT+BTVGS=" + str(gain))
# Retieve the set gain to report back
response = command("AT+BTVGS?")
return int(extractval("+BTVGS:", response, 0))
# Get/Set microphone gain volume (0-15)
def btvoicevolume(gain=None):
# Set the new leve if we have one to set
if gain is not None:
command("AT+BTVGM=" + str(gain))
# Retieve the set gain to report back
response = command("AT+BTVGM?")
return int(extractval("+BTVGM:", response, 0))
# Get the Bluetooth signal quality for a device (-127-0)
def btrssi(device):
response = command("AT+BTRSSI=" + str(device))
return int(extractval("+BTRSSI:", response, 0))
# xxxy - Add BT object transfer, serial, handsfree
# Get available space on the flash storage
def fsfree():
response = command("AT+FSMEM")
return extractval("+FSMEM:", response, "?:0bytes").split(",")[0].split(":")[1][:-5]
# List the entries in directory on flash storage (returned directories end with "\\")
def fsls(directory=""):
if not directory.endswith("\\"):
directory += "\\"
return command("AT+FSLS=" + str(directory))[1:-1]
# Get the size of a file on the flash storage
def fssize(filename):
response = command("AT+FSFLSIZE=" + str(filename))
return int(extractval("+FSFLSIZE:", response, "-1"))
# Create a directory on flash storage
def fsmkdir(directory):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSMKDIR=" + str(directory))[-1])
# Remove a directory on flash storage
def fsrmdir(directory):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSRMDIR=" + str(directory))[-1])
# Create a file on flash storage
def fscreate(filename):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSCREATE=" + str(filename))[-1])
# Read a chunk of data from a file on the flash storage
def fsreadpart(filename, size=256, start=0):
request = "AT+FSREAD=" + str(filename) + "," + str(mode) + "," + str(size) + "," + str(start) + "\n"
data = uart.read()
while True:
if uart.any()==0:
data += uart.read()
if not data.endswith("ERROR\r\n"):
return data[len(request)+2:-6]
return None
# Read data from a file on the flash storage
def fsread(filename):
result = bytearray(0)
while True:
chunk = fsreadpart(filename, 256, len(result))
if chunk is not None:
result += chunk
return result
# Append a small chunk data to a file on the flash storage, you should use sfwrite
def fswritepart(filename, data):
response = command("AT+FSWRITE=" + str(filename) + ",1," + str(len(data)) + ",8", 2000, None, ">")
if response[-1].startswith(">"):
return ispositive(command(data)[-1])
return False
# Write data to a file on the flash storage
def fswrite(filename, data, truncate=False):
length = len(data)
pointer = 0
chunksize = 256
# Create a file if needed
if truncate or (fssize(filename)<0):
# Loop through the data in small chunks
while pointer<length:
result = fswritepart(filename, data[pointer:min(pointer+chunksize,length)])
if not result:
return False
pointer += chunksize
return True
# Delete a file from flash storage
def fsrm(filename):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSDEL=" + str(filename))[-1])
# Rename a file on the flash storage
def fsmv(filenamefrom, filenameto):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSRENAME=" + str(filenamefrom) + "," + str(filenameto))[-1])
# Start turning on the SIM800
onatstart = poweron(True)
# Testing code to move to app
# Try using call and end buttons to answer and hangup
#tilda.Buttons.enable_interrupt(tilda.Buttons.BTN_Call, answer())
#tilda.Buttons.enable_interrupt(tilda.Buttons.BTN_End, hangup())
# See if the netowrk list can be used for checking SIM800
#status_pin = machine.Pin(7, machine.Pin.IN)
#tilda.Buttons.enable_interrupt(machine.Pin(machine.Pin.GPIO_SIM_NETLIGHT, machine.Pin.IN),processbuffer())