222 lines
7.5 KiB
222 lines
7.5 KiB
"""A Sequencer!
Annoy your friends! Annoy your enemies! Annoy yourself! Maybe (maybe) make music!
___title___ = "Sequencer"
___license___ = "MIT"
___categories___ = ["Sound"]
___dependencies___ = ["speaker", "buttons", "ugfx_helper", "app", "shared/sequencer_info.png"]
import ugfx, speaker, ugfx_helper
from tilda import Buttons
from buttons import *
from app import restart_to_default
rows_per_block = 4
cols_per_block = 3
num_v_blocks = 2
num_h_blocks = 4
total_rows = rows_per_block*num_v_blocks
total_cols = cols_per_block*num_h_blocks
line_width = 5
row_height = int(ugfx.height() / (rows_per_block*num_v_blocks))
col_width = int(ugfx.width() / (cols_per_block*num_h_blocks))
block_height = row_height*rows_per_block
block_width = col_width*cols_per_block
active = True
notes = [
active_colour = ugfx.html_color(0x800080)
inactive_colour = ugfx.html_color(0xd29cd1)
current_active_colour = ugfx.html_color(0x00cf3a)
current_inactive_colour = ugfx.html_color(0x88c89a)
start_time = time.ticks_ms()
time_per_row = 500 # mS
previous_current_row = 0 # TODO: find less stupid variable name
debounce_time = 100
active_states = [[False for col in range(total_cols)] for row in range(total_rows)]
last_pressed = [[time.ticks_ms() for col in range(total_cols)] for row in range(total_rows)]
joy_last_pressed = [time.ticks_ms() for col in range(6)]
active_v_block = 0
active_h_block = 0
def mode_buttons():
global previous_current_row
global active_states
global active
global start_time
global active_v_block
global active_h_block
print("mode: buttons")
coords = {
Buttons.BTN_1: (0,0),
Buttons.BTN_2: (0,1),
Buttons.BTN_3: (0,2),
Buttons.BTN_4: (1,0),
Buttons.BTN_5: (1,1),
Buttons.BTN_6: (1,2),
Buttons.BTN_7: (2,0),
Buttons.BTN_8: (2,1),
Buttons.BTN_9: (2,2),
Buttons.BTN_Star: (3,0),
Buttons.BTN_0: (3,1),
Buttons.BTN_Hash: (3,2),
alive = True
while alive:
ui_changed = False
row_changed = False
current_row = int((time.ticks_ms() - start_time) / time_per_row) % total_rows
if current_row != previous_current_row:
previous_current_row = current_row
row_changed = True
for btn, coord in coords.items():
if is_pressed(btn):
row = active_v_block*rows_per_block + coord[0]
col = active_h_block*cols_per_block + coord[1]
if (last_pressed[row][col] + debounce_time < time.ticks_ms()):
last_pressed[row][col] = time.ticks_ms()
active_states[row][col] = not active_states[row][col]
# only one note per frame
if active_states[row][col]:
for check_col in range(total_cols):
if check_col != col:
active_states[row][check_col] = False
ui_changed = True
if is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Center):
if (joy_last_pressed[5] + debounce_time < time.ticks_ms()):
joy_last_pressed[5] = time.ticks_ms()
active = not active
if not active:
start_time = time.ticks_ms()
ui_changed = True
if is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Up):
if (joy_last_pressed[0] + debounce_time < time.ticks_ms()):
joy_last_pressed[0] = time.ticks_ms()
active_v_block -= 1
if active_v_block < 0:
active_v_block += num_v_blocks
ui_changed = True
if is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Down):
if (joy_last_pressed[1] + debounce_time < time.ticks_ms()):
joy_last_pressed[1] = time.ticks_ms()
active_v_block += 1
active_v_block %= num_v_blocks
ui_changed = True
if is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Left):
if (joy_last_pressed[2] + debounce_time < time.ticks_ms()):
joy_last_pressed[2] = time.ticks_ms()
active_h_block -= 1
if active_h_block < 0:
active_h_block += num_h_blocks
ui_changed = True
if is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Right):
if (joy_last_pressed[3] + debounce_time < time.ticks_ms()):
joy_last_pressed[3] = time.ticks_ms()
active_h_block += 1
active_h_block %= num_h_blocks
ui_changed = True
if is_triggered(Buttons.BTN_B):
if (joy_last_pressed[4] + debounce_time < time.ticks_ms()):
joy_last_pressed[4] = time.ticks_ms()
for row in range(total_rows):
for col in range(total_cols):
active_states[row][col] = False
ui_changed = True
if is_triggered(Buttons.BTN_A):
if (joy_last_pressed[5] + debounce_time < time.ticks_ms()):
joy_last_pressed[5] = time.ticks_ms()
ui_changed = True
if is_triggered(Buttons.BTN_Menu):
if ui_changed or (active and row_changed):
if active and row_changed:
def render_ui():
# draw squares
current_row = int((time.ticks_ms() - start_time) / time_per_row) % total_rows
for row in range(total_rows):
for col in range(total_cols):
colour = inactive_colour
if active and row == current_row:
if active_states[row][col] == True:
colour = current_active_colour
colour = current_inactive_colour
elif active_states[row][col] == True:
colour = active_colour
ugfx.area(col_width*col + line_width, row_height*row + line_width, col_width - line_width, row_height - line_width, colour)
# highlight working area
ugfx.area(active_h_block*block_width, active_v_block*block_height, line_width, block_height, ugfx.RED)
ugfx.area((active_h_block+1)*block_width, active_v_block*block_height, line_width, block_height, ugfx.RED)
ugfx.area(active_h_block*block_width, active_v_block*block_height, block_width, line_width, ugfx.RED)
ugfx.area(active_h_block*block_width, (active_v_block+1)*block_height, block_width+line_width, line_width, ugfx.RED)
def play_notes(row):
note = ""
for col in range(total_cols):
if active_states[row][col] == True:
note = notes[col]
if note == "":
speaker.note("{}{}".format(note, 5))
def display_help():
global start_time
ugfx.display_image(0, 0, "shared/sequencer_info.png")
wait_until = time.ticks_ms() + 5000
while time.ticks_ms() < wait_until:
if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_A) or Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B) or Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu):
start_time = time.ticks_ms()
mode_buttons() # Todo: Allow different modes and allow users to switch between them via joystick or something