import machine import time uart_port = 1 uart_default_baud = 115200 uart_timeout = 28 default_responce_timeout = 8000 status_pin = Pin(6, Pin.IN) ringer_pin = Pin(8, Pin.IN) pwr_key_pin = Pin(23, Pin.OUT) # Open the UART uart = machine.UART(uart_port, uart_default_baud, mode=UART.BINARY, timeout=uart_timeout) dirtybuffer = False # Flag if the buffer could have residual end of responces line in it? # Check if the SIM800 is powered up def ison(): return status_pin.value()==1 # Check if the SIM800 is ringing def isringing(): return ringer_pin.value()==0 # Identify if this was a positive responce def ispositive(responce): return (responce=="OK") or responce.startswith("CONNECT") # Identify if this was a negative responce def isnegative(responce): return (responce=="NO CARRIER") or (responce=="ERROR") or (responce=="NO DIALTONE") or (responce=="BUSY") or (responce=="NO ANSWER") # Extract the [first] parameter from a responce def extractval(parameter, responce, default=""): for entry in responce: if entry.startswith(parameter): return (entry[len(parameter):]).strip() return default # Read a lines of responce from the UART def readline(): stringin = "" while (True): charin = # If we time out we are at the end of a line if charin is None: return stringin # Look for all EOL chars just in case settigns were changed elif (charin == b'\n') or (charin == b'\r'): if (stringin!=""): return stringin # This will be part of the string then else: stringin += str(charin, "ASCII") # Execute a command on the module # command is the AT command without the AT or CR/LF, responce_timeout (in ms) is how long to wait for completion, custom_endofdata is to wait for a non standard bit of def command(command="", responce_timeout=default_responce_timeout, custom_endofdata=None): # Empty the buffer # Send the command uart.write("AT" + command + "\r\n") # Read the results result = [] complete = False customcomplete = custom_endofdata is None timeouttime = time.time()+(responce_timeout/1000) while (time.time()0): result.append(line) # Check if we have a standard end of responce if (ispositive(line)) or (isnegative(line)): complete = True # Check if we have the data we are looking for if (custom_endofdata is not None) and (line.startswith(custom_endofdata)): customcomplete = True # Check if we are done if complete and customcomplete: return result # We ran out of time # set the dirty buffer flag is an out of date end of responcs cound end up in the buffer if custom_endofdata is None: global dirtybuffer dirtybuffer = True result.append("TIMEOUT") return result # Power on the SIN800 def poweron(): # Only power on if we are off if not ison(): # Check that the power pin has not beel left high if (pwr_key_pin.value()): time.sleep(1) pwr_key_pin.on() time.sleep(3) # Send a command to autonigotiate UART speed command() time.sleep(2) # Empty the buffer # Power off the SIN800 def poweroff(): # Only power off if we are on if (status_pin.value()): # Check that the power pin has not beel left high if (pwr_key_pin.value()): time.sleep(1) pwr_key_pin.on() time.sleep(3) # Empty the buffer dirtybuffer = False # Change the speed on the communication def uartspeed(newbaud): global uart command("+IPR=" + str(newbaud)) uart.deinit() if (newbaud==0): uart = machine.UART(uart_port, uart_default_baud, mode=UART.BINARY, timeout=uart_timeout) else: uart = machine.UART(uart_port, newbaud, mode=UART.BINARY, timeout=uart_timeout) # Make a voice call def call(number): command("D" + str(newbaud) + ";") # Answer a voice call def answer(number): command("A") # End a voice call def handup(): command("H") # Get/Set ringer volume (0-100) def ringervolume(level=None): # Set the new leve if we have one to set if level is not None: command("+CRSL=" + str(level)) # Retieve the set level to report back responce = command("+CRSL?") return int(extractval("+CRSL:", responce, 0)) # Get/Set speaker volume (0-100) def speakervolume(level=None): # Set the new leve if we have one to set if level is not None: command("+CLVL=" + str(level)) # Retieve the set level to report back responce = command("+CLVL?") return int(extractval("+CLVL:", responce, 0)) # Is the battery charging (0=no, 1=yes, 2=full) def batterycharging(): responce = command("+CBC") vals = extractval("+CBC:", responce, "0,0,0").split(",") return int(vals[0]) # How full is the battery (1-100) def batterycharge(): responce = command("+CBC") vals = extractval("+CBC:", responce, "0,0,0").split(",") return int(vals[1]) # List the available operator (returns list of [0=?,1=available,2=current,3=forbidden], 0=long name, 1=short name, 2=GSMLAI ) def listoperators(available_only=True): delim = "||||" responce = command("+COPS=?", 45000) responcedata = extractval("+COPS:", responce, "").split(",,")[0] responcelist = responcedata.replace("),(",delim)[1:-1].split(delim) results = [] for entry in responcelist: subresults = [] for subentry in entry.split(","): subresults.append(subentry.strip("\"")) if (not available_only) or (subresults[0]=="1") or (subresults[0]=="2"): results.append(subresults) return results # Get the current operator (format 0=long name, 1=short name, 2=GSMLAI) def currentoperator(format=0): command("+COPS=3," + str(format)) responce = command("+COPS?") responcedata = extractval("+COPS:", responce, "").split(",") if (len(responcedata)>=3): return responcedata[2].strip("\"") else: return "" # Set the operator selection ([0=automatic,2=deregister]) def soperator(mode, format=None, operator=None): params = "" if format is not None: params += "," + str(format) if operator is not None: params += "," + str(operator) command("+COPS=" + str(mode) + params, 120000) # Get the activity status (returns 0=ready, 2=unknown, 3=ringing, 4=call in progress) def getstatus(): responce = command("+CPAS") vals = extractval("+CPAS:", responce, "2") return int(extractval("+CPAS:", responce, "2")) # Get my number def getmynumber(): responce = command("+CUSD=1,\"*#100#\"", 8000, "+CUSD:") responcedata = extractval("+CUSD:", responce, "").split(",") if (len(responcedata)>=2): return responcedata[1].strip().strip("\"") else: return "" # Turn on the SIM800 poweron()