"""Official TiLDA MK4 Badge Store App switches between app libraries, updates and installs apps. To publish apps use https://badge.emfcamp.org""" ___license___ = "MIT" ___title___ = "Badge Store" ___dependencies___ = ["badge_store", "dialogs", "ugfx_helper", "app", "database", "ospath"] ___categories___ = ["System"] ___bootstrapped___ = True import ugfx_helper, os, database, wifi, app, ospath from dialogs import * from lib.badge_store import BadgeStore ### VIEWS ### ugfx_helper.init() url = database.get("badge_store.url", "http://badgeserver.emfcamp.org/2018") repo = database.get("badge_store.repo", "emfcamp/Mk4-Apps") ref = database.get("badge_store.ref", "master") store = BadgeStore(url=url, repo=repo, ref=ref) title = "TiLDA Badge Store" def clear(): ugfx.clear() def show_categories(): clear() with WaitingMessage(): menu_items = [{"title": c, "category": c} for c in store.get_categories()] option = prompt_option(menu_items, none_text="Back", text="Categories", title=title) if option: show_apps(option["category"]) else: return def show_apps(c): clear() menu_items = [{"title": a, "app": a} for a in store.get_apps(c)] option = prompt_option(menu_items, none_text="Back", title=title) if option: show_app(option["app"]) else: return def show_app(a): clear() with WaitingMessage(): app_info = store.get_app(a) install = prompt_boolean(app_info["description"], title=a, true_text="Install", false_text="Back") if install: with WaitingMessage(title="Installing %s" % a, text="Please wait...") as message: installers = store.install([a]) n = len(installers) for i, installer in enumerate(installers): message.text = "%s (%s/%s)" % (installer.path, i + 1, n) installer.download() app.uncache_apps() notice("App %s has been successfully installed" % a, title=title, close_text="Back") def show_update(): clear() update = prompt_boolean("Do you want to update all apps on this badge?", title="Update", true_text="OK", false_text="Back") if update: clear() with WaitingMessage(title=title, text="Please wait...") as message: installers = store.install(_get_current_apps()) n = len(installers) for i, installer in enumerate(installers): message.text = "%s (%s/%s)" % (installer.path, i + 1, n) installer.download() notice("Your badge has been successfully updated", title=title, close_text="Back") def show_remove(): clear() app_to_remove = prompt_option(_get_current_apps(), none_text="Back", text="Select App to remove") if app_to_remove: ospath.recursive_rmdir(app_to_remove) app.uncache_apps() notice("%s has been removed" % app_to_remove, title=title, close_text="Back") def main_menu(): while True: clear() menu_items = [ {"title": "Install Apps", "function": show_categories}, {"title": "Update all Apps", "function": show_update}, {"title": "Remove App", "function": show_remove} ] option = prompt_option(menu_items, none_text="Exit", text="What do you want to do?", title=title) if option: option["function"]() else: break def _get_current_apps(): return [a.name for a in app.get_apps()] wifi.connect(show_wait_message=True) main_menu() app.restart_to_default()