"""What's on tap?! Get up to date information on what's in stock at The Robot Arms! """ ___name___ = "beer" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["app", "sleep", "wifi", "http", "ugfx_helper"] ___categories___ = ["EMF"] import wifi, ugfx, http, ujson, app, sleep from tilda import Buttons, LED orientation = 270 def get_beer(): global bar, stock LED(LED.RED).on() try: bar_json = http.get("https://bar.emf.camp/location/Bar.json").raise_for_status().content stock_json = http.get("https://bar.emf.camp/stock.json").raise_for_status().content bar = ujson.loads(bar_json) stock = ujson.loads(stock_json) except: print('oh poop') LED(LED.RED).off() draw_screen() def draw_screen(): global bar, stock ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.text(65, 5, "what's on tap?", ugfx.RED) ugfx.line(5, 20, ugfx.width(), 20, ugfx.GREY) for idx, beer in enumerate(bar['location']): remaining = 0 for item in stock['stock']: if item['description'] == beer['description']: remaining = float(item['remaining']) ugfx.text(5, 22 + idx*15, beer['description'][:28], ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(202, 22 + idx*15, '!' if (remaining < 30) else ' ', ugfx.RED) ugfx.text(210, 22 + idx*15, "{:>4}".format(beer['price']), ugfx.WHITE) def toggle_orientation(): global orientation if orientation == 90: ugfx.orientation(270) orientation = 270 draw_screen() else: ugfx.orientation(90) orientation = 90 draw_screen() ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_FIXED) s=ugfx.Style() s.set_enabled([ugfx.WHITE, ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.GREY]) s.set_background(ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.set_default_style(s) Buttons.enable_interrupt(Buttons.BTN_A, lambda button_id:get_beer(), on_press=True, on_release=False) Buttons.enable_interrupt(Buttons.BTN_B, lambda button_id:toggle_orientation(), on_press=True, on_release=False) Buttons.enable_interrupt(Buttons.BTN_Menu, lambda button_id:app.restart_to_default(), on_press=True, on_release=False) ugfx.text(5, 10, "Instructions:", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(5, 30, "Press the A button to refresh", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(5, 45, "Press the B button to rotate", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(5, 60, "Press the Menu button to exit", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(5, 90, "!", ugfx.RED) ugfx.text(15, 90, "means the stock is low", ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(5, 120, "Loading data from the bar...", ugfx.WHITE) get_beer() while True: sleep.wfi() ugfx.clear() app.restart_to_default()