"""3d rotating polyhedra. 2016 badge competition winner, ported for 2018!""" ___name___ = "3D Spin" ___license___ = "MIT" ___categories___ = ["Demo"] ___dependencies___ = ["app", "ugfx_helper", "random", "sleep", "buttons"] import ugfx from tilda import Buttons import math from uos import listdir import time # from imu import IMU import gc # import pyb import app app_path = './3dspin' from math import sqrt class Vector3D: def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, z=0.0): self.x = x self.y = y self.z = z def magnitude(self): return sqrt(self.x*self.x+self.y*self.y+self.z*self.z) def __sub__(self, v): return Vector3D(self.x-v.x, self.y-v.y, self.z-v.z) def normalize(self): mag = self.magnitude() if (mag > 0.0): self.x /= mag self.y /= mag self.z /= mag else: raise Exception('*** Vector: error, normalizing zero vector! ***') def cross(self, v): #cross product return Vector3D(self.y*v.z-self.z*v.y, self.z*v.x-self.x*v.z, self.x*v.y-self.y*v.x) #The layout of the matrix (row- or column-major) matters only when the user reads from or writes to the matrix (indexing). For example in the multiplication function we know that the first components of the Matrix-vectors need to be multiplied by the vector. The memory-layout is not important class Matrix: ''' Column-major order ''' def __init__(self, createidentity=True):# (2,2) creates a 2*2 Matrix # if rows < 2 or cols < 2: # raise Exception('*** Matrix: error, getitem((row, col)), row, col problem! ***') self.rows = 4 self.cols = 4 self.m = [[0.0]*self.rows for x in range(self.cols)] #If quadratic matrix then create identity one if createidentity: for i in range(self.rows): self.m[i][i] = 1.0 def mul(self, right): if isinstance(right, Matrix): r = Matrix(False) for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(right.cols): for k in range(self.cols): r.m[i][j] += self.m[i][k]*right.m[k][j] return r elif isinstance(right, Vector3D): #Translation: the last column of the matrix. Remains unchanged due to the the fourth coord of the vector (1). # if self.cols == 4: r = Vector3D() addx = addy = addz = 0.0 if self.rows == self.cols == 4: addx = self.m[0][3] addy = self.m[1][3] addz = self.m[2][3] r.x = self.m[0][0]*right.x+self.m[0][1]*right.y+self.m[0][2]*right.z+addx r.y = self.m[1][0]*right.x+self.m[1][1]*right.y+self.m[1][2]*right.z+addy r.z = self.m[2][0]*right.x+self.m[2][1]*right.y+self.m[2][2]*right.z+addz #In 3D game programming we use homogenous coordinates instead of cartesian ones in case of Vectors in order to be able to use them with a 4*4 Matrix. The 4th coord (w) is not included in the Vector-class but gets computed on the fly w = self.m[3][0]*right.x+self.m[3][1]*right.y+self.m[3][2]*right.z+self.m[3][3] if (w != 1 and w != 0): r.x = r.x/w; r.y = r.y/w; r.z = r.z/w; return r else: raise Exception('*** Matrix: error, matrix multiply with not matrix, vector or int or float! ***') def loadObject(filename): print(filename) if (".obj" in filename): loadObj(filename) if (".dat" in filename): loadDat(filename) def loadDat(filename): global obj_vertices global obj_faces obj_vertices = [] obj_faces = [] f = open(app_path + "/" + filename) for line in f: if line[:2] == "v ": parts = line.split(" ") obj_vertices.append( Vector3D( float(parts[1]), float(parts[2]), float(parts[3]) ) ) gc.collect() elif line[:2] == "f ": parts = line.split(" ") face = [] for part in parts[1:]: face.append(int(part.split("/",1)[0])-1) obj_faces.append(face) gc.collect() f.close() def loadObj(filename): global obj_vertices global obj_faces obj_vertices = [] obj_faces = [] f = open(app_path + "/" + filename) for line in f: if line[:2] == "v ": parts = line.split(" ") obj_vertices.append( Vector3D( float(parts[1]), float(parts[2]), float(parts[3]) ) ) gc.collect() elif line[:2] == "f ": parts = line.split(" ") face = [] for part in parts[1:]: face.append(int(part.split("/",1)[0])-1) obj_faces.append(face) gc.collect() f.close() def toScreenCoords(pv): px = int((pv.x+1)*0.5*240) py = int((1-(pv.y+1)*0.5)*320) return [px, py] def createCameraMatrix(x,y,z): camera_transform = Matrix() camera_transform.m[0][3] = x camera_transform.m[1][3] = y camera_transform.m[2][3] = z return camera_transform def createProjectionMatrix(horizontal_fov, zfar, znear): s = 1/(math.tan(math.radians(horizontal_fov/2))) proj = Matrix() proj.m[0][0] = s * (320/240) # inverse aspect ratio proj.m[1][1] = s proj.m[2][2] = -zfar/(zfar-znear) proj.m[3][2] = -1.0 proj.m[2][3] = -(zfar*znear)/(zfar-znear) return proj def createRotationMatrix(x_rotation, y_rotation, z_rotation): rot_x = Matrix() rot_x.m[1][1] = rot_x.m[2][2] = math.cos(x_rotation) rot_x.m[2][1] = math.sin(x_rotation) rot_x.m[1][2] = -rot_x.m[2][1] rot_y = Matrix() rot_y.m[0][0] = rot_y.m[2][2] = math.cos(y_rotation) rot_y.m[0][2] = math.sin(y_rotation) rot_y.m[2][0] = -rot_y.m[0][2] rot_z = Matrix() rot_z.m[0][0] = rot_z.m[1][1] = math.cos(z_rotation) rot_z.m[1][0] = math.sin(z_rotation) rot_z.m[0][1] = -rot_z.m[1][0] return rot_z.mul(rot_x).mul(rot_y) def normal(face, vertices, normalize = True): # Work out the face normal for lighting normal = (vertices[face[1]]-vertices[face[0]]).cross(vertices[face[2]]-vertices[face[0]]) if normalize == True: normal.normalize() return normal def clear_screen(): # Selectively clear the screen by re-rendering the previous frame in black global last_polygons global last_mode for poly in last_polygons: if last_mode == FLAT: ugfx.fill_polygon(0,0, poly, ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.polygon(0,0, poly, ugfx.BLACK) def render(mode, rotation): # Rotate all the vertices in one go vertices = [rotation.mul(vertex) for vertex in obj_vertices] # Calculate normal for each face (for lighting) if mode == FLAT: face_normal_zs = [normal(face, vertices).z for face in obj_faces] # Project (with camera) all the vertices in one go as well vertices = [camera_projection.mul(vertex) for vertex in vertices] # Calculate projected normals for each face if mode != WIREFRAME: proj_normal_zs = [normal(face, vertices, False).z for face in obj_faces] # Convert to screen coordinates all at once # We could do this faster by only converting vertices that are # in faces that will be need rendered, but it's likely that test # would take longer. vertices = [toScreenCoords(v) for v in vertices] # Render the faces to the screen vsync() clear_screen() global last_polygons global last_mode last_polygons = [] last_mode = mode for index in range(len(obj_faces)): # Only render things facing towards us (unless we're in wireframe mode) if (mode == WIREFRAME) or (proj_normal_zs[index] > 0): # Convert polygon poly = [vertices[v] for v in obj_faces[index]] # Calculate colour and render ugcol = ugfx.WHITE if mode == FLAT: # Simple lighting calculation colour5 = int(face_normal_zs[index] * 31) colour6 = int(face_normal_zs[index] * 63) # Create a 5-6-5 grey ugcol = (colour5 << 11) | (colour6 << 5) | colour5 # Render polygon ugfx.fill_polygon(0,0, poly, ugcol) # Always draw the wireframe in the same colour to fill gaps left by the # fill_polygon method ugfx.polygon(0,0, poly, ugcol) last_polygons.append(poly) def vsync(): None # while(tear.value() == 0): # pass # while(tear.value()): # pass def calculateRotation(smoothing, accelerometer): # Keep a list of recent rotations to smooth things out global x_rotation global z_rotation # First, pop off the oldest rotation # if len(x_rotations) >= smoothing: # x_rotations = x_rotations[1:] # if len(z_rotations) >= smoothing: # z_rotations = z_rotations[1:] # Now append a new rotation pi_2 = math.pi / 2 #x_rotations.append(-accelerometer['z'] * pi_2) #z_rotations.append(accelerometer['x'] * pi_2) # Calculate rotation matrix return createRotationMatrix( # this averaging isn't correct in the first frames, but who cares math.radians(x_rotation), math.radians(y_rotation), math.radians(z_rotation) ) print("Hello 3DSpin") # Initialise hardware ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.BLACK) # imu=IMU() # buttons.init() # Enable tear detection for vsync # ugfx.enable_tear() # tear = pyb.Pin("TEAR", pyb.Pin.IN) #ugfx.set_tear_line(1) print("Graphics initalised") # Set up static rendering matrices camera_transform = createCameraMatrix(0, 0, -5.0) proj = createProjectionMatrix(45.0, 100.0, 0.1) camera_projection = proj.mul(camera_transform) print("Camera initalised") # Get the list of available objects, and load the first one obj_vertices = [] obj_faces = [] print("available objects: {}", listdir(app_path)) objects = [x for x in listdir(app_path) if (((".obj" in x) | (".dat" in x)) & (x[0] != "."))] selected = 0 loadObject(objects[selected]) print("loaded object {}", objects[selected]) # Set up rotation tracking arrays x_rotation = 0 z_rotation = 0 y_rotation = 0 # Smooth rotations over 5 frames smoothing = 5 # Rendering modes BACKFACECULL = 1 FLAT = 2 WIREFRAME = 3 # Start with backface culling mode mode = BACKFACECULL last_polygons = [] last_mode = WIREFRAME # Main loop run = True while run: gc.collect() # Render the scene render( mode, calculateRotation(smoothing, None) ) # Button presses y_rotation += 5 x_rotation += 3 z_rotation += 1 if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.JOY_Left): y_rotation -= 5 if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.JOY_Right): y_rotation += 5 if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.JOY_Center): y_rotation = 0 if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B): selected += 1 if selected >= len(objects): selected = 0 loadObject(objects[selected]) time.sleep_ms(500) # Wait a while to avoid skipping ahead if the user still has the button down if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_A): mode += 1 if mode > 3: mode = 1 time.sleep_ms(500) # Wait a while to avoid skipping ahead if the user still has the button down if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu): run = False app.restart_to_default()