"""Phone app for baic calling functions """ ___name___ = "Phone" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["app", "dialogs", "sim800", "ugfx_helper"] ___categories___ = ["System"] ___bootstrapped___ = True from app import * from dialogs import * import ugfx import ugfx_helper import sim800 sim800.poweron() ugfx_helper.init() ugfx.clear() def makecall(): notocall = prompt_text("Number to call:") if (notocall): sim800.call(notocall) def answercall(): if sim800.isringing(): sim800.answer() else: notice("No call to answer.", title="TiLDA Phone") def handupcall(): sim800.hangup() def speakervolume(): sim800.hangup() def ringervol(): opset = [] opset.append({ "title" : "Silent", "index" : "0" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Quiet", "index" : "25" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Medium", "index" : "50" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Loud", "index" : "75" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Very Loud", "index" : "100" }) selectedop = prompt_option(opset, text="Ringer Volume", select_text="Select", none_text="Cancel") if selectedop: sim800.ringervolume(selectedop["index"]) def speakervol(): opset = [] opset.append({ "title" : "Silent", "index" : "0" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Quiet", "index" : "25" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Medium", "index" : "50" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Loud", "index" : "75" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Very Loud", "index" : "100" }) selectedop = prompt_option(opset, text="Speaker Volume", select_text="Select", none_text="Cancel") if selectedop: sim800.speakervolume(selectedop["index"]) def showinfo(): info = "" yournum = sim800.getmynumber() if (yournum): info += "Your Number : " + yournum + "\n" yourop = sim800.currentoperator(0) if (yourop): info += "Operator : " + yourop + "\n" imei = sim800.imei() if (imei): info += "IMEI : " + imei + "\n" imsi = sim800.imsi() if (imsi): info += "IMSI : " + imsi + "\n" rssi = sim800.rssi() if (rssi): info += "RSSI : " + str(rssi) + "\n" ber = sim800.ber() if (ber): info += "BER : " + str(ber) + "\n" cellid = sim800.cellid() if (cellid): info += "Cell ID : " + cellid + "\n" yourbat = sim800.batterycharge() if (yourbat>0): info += "Battery : " + str(yourbat) + "%\r\n" notice(info, title="TiLDA Phone") def selectoperator(): opset = [] opset.append({ "title" : "EMF", "index" : "23404" }) opset.append({ "title" : "Auto", "index" : -1 }) for op in sim800.listoperators(): opset.append({ "title" : op[1], "index" : op[3] }) selectedop = prompt_option(opset, text="Operator", select_text="Select", none_text="Cancel") if selectedop["index"]==-1: sim800.setoperator(0) notice("perator selection set to automatic.", title="TiLDA Phone") else: sim800.setoperator(1,2,selectedop) notice(selectedop["title"] + " set as operator.", title="TiLDA Phone") menuset = [] menuset.append({ "title" : "Call", "index" : 1 }) menuset.append({ "title" : "Answer", "index" : 2 }) menuset.append({ "title" : "Hangup/Reject", "index" : 3 }) menuset.append({ "title" : "Speaker Volume", "index" : 6 }) menuset.append({ "title" : "Ringer Volume", "index" : 7 }) menuset.append({ "title" : "Information", "index" : 8 }) menuset.append({ "title" : "Select Operator", "index" : 9 }) while True: selection = prompt_option(menuset, text="TiLDA Phone", select_text="Select", none_text="Exit") if (not selection): restart_to_default() elif (selection["index"]==1): makecall() elif (selection["index"]==2): answercall() elif (selection["index"]==3): hangupcall() elif (selection["index"]==6): speakervol() elif (selection["index"]==7): ringervol() elif (selection["index"]==8): showinfo() elif (selection["index"]==9): selectoperator()