"""Shared functionality for home screen apps Apps in the "homescreen" should behave in a similar manner to not confuse users. In particular, they *should*: * Call "homescreen.init()" at the beginning. This will initiate ugfx, clear the screen and initiate button handline. * Use "pyb.wfi()" as much as possible to avoid draining the battery. * Not use They also *may*: * Display a name, returned by "homescreen.name()" * Display network strength "homescreen.wifi_strength()" (0-1, might return "None" if not connected) * Display remaining battery "homescreen.battery()" (0-1) """ __license___ = "MIT" __dependencies___ = ["database", "buttons"] import database, ugfx, buttons def init(color = 0xFFFFFF): ugfx.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(color)) buttons.init() #buttons.enable_interrupt() def menu(): ugfx.clear() def name(): return database.get("homescreen.name", "bar") def mobile_strength(): return 0.75 def wifi_strength(): return 0.65 def battery(): return 0.65