# # This is validation script for "boom" tool https://github.com/tarekziade/boom # To use it: # # boom -n1000 --post-hook=boom_uasyncio.validate # # Note that if you'll use other -n value, you should update NUM_REQS below # to match. # NUM_REQS = 1000 seen = [] cnt = 0 def validate(resp): global cnt t = resp.text l = t.split("\r\n", 1)[0] no = int(l.split()[1]) seen.append(no) c = t.count(l + "\r\n") assert c == 400101, str(c) assert t.endswith("=== END ===") cnt += 1 if cnt == NUM_REQS: seen.sort() print print seen print el = None for i in seen: if el is None: el = i else: el += 1 assert i == el return resp