"""Snake!""" ___name___ = "Snake" ___license___ = "MIT" ___categories___ = ["Games"] ___dependencies___ = ["dialogs", "app", "ugfx_helper", "random", "sleep", "buttons"] import math, ugfx, ugfx_helper, random, sleep, buttons from tilda import Buttons ugfx_helper.init() def one_round(): grid_size = 8; body_colour = ugfx.RED back_colour = 0; food_colour = ugfx.YELLOW wall_colour = ugfx.BLUE score = 0; edge_x = math.floor(ugfx.width()/grid_size)-2; edge_y = math.floor(ugfx.height()/grid_size)-2; def disp_square(x,y,colour): ugfx.area((x+1)*grid_size, (y+1)*grid_size, grid_size, grid_size, colour) def disp_body_straight(x,y,rotation,colour): if (rotation == 0): ugfx.area((x+1)*grid_size+1, (y+1)*grid_size+1, grid_size-2, grid_size, colour) elif (rotation == 90): ugfx.area((x+1)*grid_size+1, (y+1)*grid_size+1, grid_size, grid_size-2, colour) elif (rotation == 180): ugfx.area((x+1)*grid_size+1, (y+1)*grid_size-1, grid_size-2, grid_size, colour) else: ugfx.area((x+1)*grid_size-1, (y+1)*grid_size+1, grid_size, grid_size-2, colour) def disp_eaten_food(x,y,colour): ugfx.area((x+1)*grid_size, (y+1)*grid_size, grid_size, grid_size, colour) def randn_square(): return [random.randrange(edge_x), random.randrange(edge_y)] body_x = [12,13,14,15,16] body_y = [2,2,2,2,2] ugfx.area(0,0,ugfx.width(),ugfx.height(),0) ugfx.area(0,0,grid_size*(edge_x+1),grid_size,wall_colour) ugfx.area(0,0,grid_size,grid_size*(edge_y+1),wall_colour) ugfx.area(grid_size*(edge_x+1),0,grid_size,grid_size*(edge_y+1),wall_colour) ugfx.area(0,grid_size*(edge_y+1),grid_size*(edge_x+2),grid_size,wall_colour) keepgoing = 1; food = [20,20] disp_square(food[0],food[1],food_colour) dir_x = 1 dir_y = 0 orient = 270 #for i in range(0,len(body_x)): # disp_body_straight(body_x[i],body_y[i],orient,body_colour) while keepgoing: if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.JOY_Right) or Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_6): dir_x = 1; dir_y = 0; orient = 270 elif Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.JOY_Left) or Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_4): dir_x = -1; dir_y = 0; orient = 90 elif Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.JOY_Down) or Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_8): dir_y = 1; dir_x = 0; orient = 180 elif Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.JOY_Up) or Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_0): dir_y = -1; dir_x = 0; orient = 0 body_x.append(body_x[-1]+dir_x) body_y.append(body_y[-1]+dir_y) for i in range(0,len(body_x)-1): if (body_x[i] == body_x[-1]) and (body_y[i] == body_y[-1]): keepgoing = 0 if not((body_x[-1] == food[0]) and (body_y[-1] == food[1])): x_del = body_x.pop(0) y_del = body_y.pop(0) disp_eaten_food(x_del,y_del,back_colour) else: disp_eaten_food(food[0],food[1],body_colour) food = randn_square() disp_square(food[0],food[1],food_colour) score = score + 1 disp_body_straight(body_x[-1],body_y[-1],orient,body_colour) if ((body_x[-1] >= edge_x) or (body_x[-1] < 0) or (body_y[-1] >= edge_y) or (body_y[-1] < 0)): break sleep.sleep(0.1) return score playing = 1 while playing: score = one_round() ugfx.area(0,0,ugfx.width(),ugfx.height(),0) ugfx.text(30, 30, "GAME OVER Score: %d" % (score), 0xFFFF) ugfx.text(30, 60, "Press A to play again", 0xFFFF) ugfx.text(30, 90, "Press MENU to quit" , 0xFFFF) while True: sleep.wfi() if buttons.is_triggered(Buttons.BTN_A): break if buttons.is_triggered(Buttons.BTN_Menu): playing = 0 break app.restart_to_default()