"""This is a dowsing rod for WiFi APs""" ___name___ = "Dowsing Rod" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["sleep", "app", "wifi", "sim800"] ___categories___ = ["EMF", "System"] import ugfx, wifi, app from tilda import Buttons from time import sleep status_height = 20 ssid = 'emfcamp-legacy18' ugfx.init() ugfx.clear() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_FIXED) ugfx.Label(5, 180, 240, 15, "Press A to scan, MENU to exit") # while (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_A)) and (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B)) and (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu)): while not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu): if not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_A) and not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B): ugfx.poll() continue if Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B): ugfx.clear() ugfx.Label(0, 0, 240, 25, "SSID:") ssid_box = ugfx.Textbox(0, 25, 240, 25, text=ssid) ugfx.Keyboard(0, ugfx.height()//2, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()//2) ssid_box.set_focus() while not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_A): ugfx.poll() continue ssid = ssid_box.text() ugfx.clear() wifi.nic().active(False) wifi.nic().active(True) # networks = [{ "ssid": ap[0], "mac": ap[1], "channel": ap[2], "signal": ap[3] } for ap in wifi.nic().scan()] networks = sorted([net for net in wifi.nic().scan() if net[0] == ssid], key=lambda n: n[3], reverse=True) aps = [] for ap in [(net[1], net[3]) for net in networks]: if ap[0] not in [ap[0] for ap in aps]: aps.append(ap) y = 0 for ap in aps[:20]: ugfx.Label(0, y, 240, 25, "{1}dB {0}".format(*ap)) y += status_height if len(aps) == 0: ugfx.Label(0, y, 240, 25, "No %s APs found" % ssid) ugfx.clear() app.restart_to_default()