"""DevRant Client for TiLDA-MK4 """ ___name___ = "DevRant" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["app", "wifi", "http", "homescreen", "utime", "ugfx_helper", "dialogs"] ___categories___ = ["Other"] ___launchable___ = True import ugfx, wifi, http, json, utime, ugfx_helper, dialogs, app char_ln = 25 ln_pg = 19 def loop(): skip = 0 while True: ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x544c6d)) data= json.loads(http.get("https://devrant.com/api/devrant/rants?app=3&sort=top&range=day&limit=1&skip="+str(skip)).raise_for_status().content)["rants"][0] text=data["text"].split(" ") screens = [[]] line = "" screen = 0 for word in text: if len(line+word)+1 >= char_ln: if len(screens[screen]) >= ln_pg: screen+=1 screens.append([]) screens[screen].append(line) line=word else: line = line + " " + word if len(screens[screen]) < ln_pg: screens[screen].append(line) else: screens.append([line]) hold=True page = 0 while hold: ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(0x544c6d)) ugfx.area(0,0,240,35,ugfx.html_color(0x41476d)) ugfx.text(5,5,str(data["score"])+"++ " + data["user_username"] + ":",ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.text(5,20,"Page: " + str(page+1) + "/" + str(len(screens)),ugfx.BLACK) count = 0 for line in screens[page]: ugfx.text(5,35+count*15,line,ugfx.BLACK) count+=1 hold_btn = True while hold_btn: if tilda.Buttons.is_pressed(tilda.Buttons.BTN_Menu): return if tilda.Buttons.is_pressed(tilda.Buttons.BTN_A): skip += 1 hold_btn = False hold = False while tilda.Buttons.is_pressed(tilda.Buttons.BTN_A): utime.sleep_ms(10) if tilda.Buttons.is_pressed(tilda.Buttons.JOY_Right): if page < len(screens)-1: page += 1 hold_btn = False while tilda.Buttons.is_pressed(tilda.Buttons.JOY_Right): utime.sleep_ms(10) if tilda.Buttons.is_pressed(tilda.Buttons.JOY_Left): if page > 0: page -= 1 hold_btn = False while tilda.Buttons.is_pressed(tilda.Buttons.JOY_Left): utime.sleep_ms(10) ugfx_helper.init() ugfx.clear() ugfx.text(5,5, "DevRant for the TiLDA Mk4", ugfx.BLACK) ugfx.text(5, 40, "Connecting To WIFI", ugfx.BLACK) wifi.connect() ugfx.text(5, 40, "Connecting To WIFI", ugfx.WHITE) loop() app.restart_to_default()