"""Some basic UGFX powered dialogs""" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["buttons", "sleep"] import ugfx, buttons, sleep default_style_badge = ugfx.Style() default_style_badge.set_focus(ugfx.RED) default_style_badge.set_enabled([ugfx.WHITE, ugfx.html_color(0x3C0246), ugfx.GREY, ugfx.RED]) default_style_badge.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0x3C0246)) default_style_dialog = ugfx.Style() default_style_dialog.set_enabled([ugfx.BLACK, ugfx.html_color(0xA66FB0), ugfx.html_color(0xdedede), ugfx.RED]) default_style_dialog.set_background(ugfx.html_color(0xFFFFFF)) TILDA_COLOR = ugfx.html_color(0x7c1143); FONT_SMALL = 0 #todo: find correct values FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD = 0 def notice(text, title="TiLDA", close_text="Close", width = 260, height = 180, font=FONT_SMALL, style=None): prompt_boolean(text, title = title, true_text = close_text, false_text = None, width = width, height = height, font=font, style=style) def prompt_boolean(text, title="TiLDA", true_text="Yes", false_text="No", width = 260, height = 180, font=FONT_SMALL, style=None): """A simple one and two-options dialog if 'false_text' is set to None only one button is displayed. If both 'true_text' and 'false_text' are given a boolean is returned """ global default_style_dialog if style == None: style = default_style_dialog ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) window = ugfx.Container((ugfx.width() - width) // 2, (ugfx.height() - height) // 2, width, height) window.show() ugfx.set_default_font(font) window.text(5, 10, title, TILDA_COLOR) window.line(0, 30, width, 30, ugfx.BLACK) if false_text: true_text = "A: " + true_text false_text = "B: " + false_text ugfx.set_default_font(font) label = ugfx.Label(5, 30, width - 10, height - 80, text = text, parent=window) ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) button_yes = ugfx.Button(5, height - 40, width // 2 - 15 if false_text else width - 15, 30 , true_text, parent=window) button_no = ugfx.Button(width // 2 + 5, height - 40, width // 2 - 15, 30 , false_text, parent=window) if false_text else None try: #button_yes.attach_input(ugfx.BTN_A,0) # todo: re-enable once working #if button_no: button_no.attach_input(ugfx.BTN_B,0) window.show() while True: sleep.wfi() if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_A): return True if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_B): return False finally: window.hide() window.destroy() button_yes.destroy() if button_no: button_no.destroy() label.destroy() def prompt_text(description, init_text = "", true_text="OK", false_text="Back", font=FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD, style=default_style_badge): """Shows a dialog and keyboard that allows the user to input/change a string Returns None if user aborts with button B """ window = ugfx.Container(0, 0, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()) if false_text: true_text = "M: " + true_text false_text = "B: " + false_text if buttons.has_interrupt("BTN_MENU"): buttons.disable_interrupt("BTN_MENU") ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_MEDIUM_BOLD) kb = ugfx.Keyboard(0, ugfx.height()//2, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()//2, parent=window) edit = ugfx.Textbox(2, ugfx.height()//2-60, ugfx.width()-7, 25, text = init_text, parent=window) ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_SMALL) button_yes = ugfx.Button(2, ugfx.height()//2-30, ugfx.width()//2-6, 25 , true_text, parent=window) button_no = ugfx.Button(ugfx.width()//2+2, ugfx.height()//2-30, ugfx.width()//2-6, 25 , false_text, parent=window) if false_text else None ugfx.set_default_font(font) label = ugfx.Label(ugfx.width()//10, ugfx.height()//10, ugfx.width()*4//5, ugfx.height()*2//5-90, description, parent=window) try: #button_yes.attach_input(ugfx.BTN_MENU,0) # todo: re-enable this #if button_no: button_no.attach_input(ugfx.BTN_B,0) window.show() # edit.set_focus() todo: do we need this? while True: sleep.wfi() ugfx.poll() #if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_A): return edit.text() if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_B): return None if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_Menu): return edit.text() finally: window.hide() window.destroy() button_yes.destroy() if button_no: button_no.destroy() label.destroy() kb.destroy() edit.destroy(); return def prompt_option(options, index=0, text = "Please select one of the following:", title=None, select_text="OK", none_text=None): """Shows a dialog prompting for one of multiple options If none_text is specified the user can use the B or Menu button to skip the selection if title is specified a blue title will be displayed about the text """ ugfx.set_default_font(FONT_SMALL) window = ugfx.Container(5, 5, ugfx.width() - 10, ugfx.height() - 10) window.show() list_y = 30 if title: window.text(5, 10, title, TILDA_COLOR) window.line(0, 25, ugfx.width() - 10, 25, ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 30, text, ugfx.BLACK) list_y = 50 else: window.text(5, 10, text, ugfx.BLACK) options_list = ugfx.List(5, list_y, ugfx.width() - 25, 180 - list_y, parent = window) for option in options: if isinstance(option, dict) and option["title"]: options_list.add_item(option["title"]) else: options_list.add_item(str(option)) options_list.selected_index(index) select_text = "A: " + select_text if none_text: none_text = "B: " + none_text button_select = ugfx.Button(5, ugfx.height() - 50, 140 if none_text else ugfx.width() - 25, 30 , select_text, parent=window) button_none = ugfx.Button(ugfx.width() - 160, ugfx.height() - 50, 140, 30 , none_text, parent=window) if none_text else None try: while True: sleep.wfi() ugfx.poll() # todo: temporary hack #if (buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.JOY_Up)): # index = max(index - 1, 0) # options_list.selected_index(index) #if (buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.JOY_Down)): # index = min(index + 1, len(options) - 1) # options_list.selected_index(index) if buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_A): return options[options_list.selected_index()] if button_none and buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_B): return None if button_none and buttons.is_triggered(buttons.Buttons.BTN_Menu): return None finally: window.hide() window.destroy() options_list.destroy() button_select.destroy() if button_none: button_none.destroy() ugfx.poll() class WaitingMessage: """Shows a dialog with a certain message that can not be dismissed by the user""" def __init__(self, text = "Please Wait...", title="TiLDA"): self.window = ugfx.Container(30, 30, ugfx.width() - 60, ugfx.height() - 60) self.window.show() self.window.text(5, 10, title, TILDA_COLOR) self.window.line(0, 30, ugfx.width() - 60, 30, ugfx.BLACK) self.label = ugfx.Label(5, 40, self.window.width() - 10, ugfx.height() - 40, text = text, parent=self.window) # Indicator to show something is going on #self.indicator = ugfx.Label(ugfx.width() - 100, 0, 20, 20, text = "...", parent=self.window) #self.timer = machine.Timer(3) #self.timer.init(freq=3) #self.timer.callback(lambda t: self.indicator.visible(not self.indicator.visible())) # todo: enable this once we have a timer somewhere def destroy(self): #self.timer.deinit() self.label.destroy() #self.indicator.destroy() self.window.destroy() @property def text(self): return self.label.text() @text.setter def text(self, value): self.label.text(value) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.destroy()