"""Launcher for apps currently installed""" ___name___ = "Speed Launcher" ___license___ = "WTFPL" ___categories___ = ["System"] ___dependencies___ = ["app", "ugfx_helper"] ___launchable___ = False ___bootstrapped___ = False import ugfx_helper, ugfx, math, buttons from app import * from tilda import Buttons APPS_PER_PAGE = 12 EMF_PURPLE = 0x800080 ugfx_helper.init() ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE)) ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_SMALL) style = ugfx.Style() style.set_enabled([ugfx.WHITE, ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE), ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE), ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE)]) style.set_background(ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE)) ugfx.set_default_style(style) loadMsg = ugfx.Label(0, 90, ugfx.width(), 20, "Loading apps...", justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) # Load apps in a colourList all_apps = [{"title": a.title, "app": a} for a in get_apps()] # Sort apps by alphabetical order all_apps.sort(key=lambda a: a['title']) total_pages = math.ceil(len(all_apps) / APPS_PER_PAGE) ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE)) keypad = [ Buttons.BTN_1, Buttons.BTN_2, Buttons.BTN_3, Buttons.BTN_4, Buttons.BTN_5, Buttons.BTN_6, Buttons.BTN_7, Buttons.BTN_8, Buttons.BTN_9, Buttons.BTN_Star, Buttons.BTN_0, Buttons.BTN_Hash ] keypadLabels = [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "*", "0", "#" ] def showPage(): global current_page # avoid out of bounds errors current_page = max(1, min(current_page, total_pages)) start = (current_page - 1) * APPS_PER_PAGE end = start + APPS_PER_PAGE apps_on_current_page = all_apps[start:end] # Refresh page ugfx.clear(ugfx.html_color(EMF_PURPLE)) # Write current page number and arrows ugfx.Label(0, 20, ugfx.width(), 20, "Page {} of {}".format(current_page, total_pages), justification=ugfx.Label.CENTER) if current_page > 1: ugfx.fill_polygon(10, 16, [[0, 10], [15, 20], [15, 0]], ugfx.WHITE) if current_page < total_pages: ugfx.fill_polygon(ugfx.width() - 30, 16, [[0, 0], [15, 10], [0, 20]], ugfx.WHITE) # Write app numbers and names i = 0 yOffset = 45 xOffset = 0 for a in apps_on_current_page: # xOffset = (i % 3) * 8 # offset lines to match the physical layout of the keypad ugfx.area(20 + xOffset, yOffset + 2, 20, 20, ugfx.WHITE) ugfx.text(23 + xOffset, yOffset + 3, keypadLabels[i] + " ", EMF_PURPLE) ugfx.Label(46 + xOffset, yOffset + 3, ugfx.width(), 20, a['title'], justification=ugfx.Label.LEFT) yOffset = yOffset + 22 i = i + 1 while True: for key in keypad: keyIndex = keypad.index(key) if buttons.is_pressed(key) and (keyIndex < len(apps_on_current_page)): apps_on_current_page[keyIndex]['app'].boot() break if buttons.is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Right) and (current_page is not total_pages): current_page = current_page + 1 return if buttons.is_triggered(Buttons.JOY_Left) and (current_page is not 1): current_page = current_page - 1 return current_page = 1 while True: showPage()