""" TiNDA: A dating app for TiLDA. Find your perfect EMF match! """ ___name___ = "tinda" ___license___ = "WTFPL" ___dependencies___ = ["app", "buttons", "database", "dialogs", "http", "sleep", "ugfx_helper"] ___categories___ = ["Other", "EMF"] import database import dialogs import http import json import sleep import ugfx import ugfx_helper from app import * from buttons import is_pressed from tilda import Buttons # # CONFIGURATION # ENABLE_SPLASH_SCREEN = True APP_TITLE = "TiNDA" APP_COLOUR = ugfx.html_color(0x800080) LOCAL_FOLDER = 'tinda/%s' CARD_API_ENDPOINT = "http://d1obbkgck7qwwy.cloudfront.net" QR_API_ENDPOINT = "http://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?size=231x231&format=gif&data=%s" DB_KEY_ANSWERS = "tinda_app_answers" DB_KEY_CARD = "tinda_app_card" DB_KEY_QR = "tinda_app_qr" # # FUNCTIONS # def get_questions(): with open(LOCAL_FOLDER % "questions.json", "r") as f: data = json.load(f) return data["questions"] def get_image_urls(answers): try: with dialogs.WaitingMessage("Sending data...", title=APP_TITLE): response = http.post(CARD_API_ENDPOINT, json={"answers": answers}).raise_for_status() data = response.json() url = json.loads(data["body"])["url"] database.set(DB_KEY_CARD, url) database.set(DB_KEY_QR, QR_API_ENDPOINT % url) return True except Exception as ex: dialogs.notice(repr(ex), title="%s - Download failed" % APP_TITLE) # # VIEWS # def show_spash_screen(): if ENABLE_SPLASH_SCREEN: ugfx.display_image(0, 0, LOCAL_FOLDER % "splash.gif") sleep.sleep_ms(1000) def show_menu(): menu_items = [ {"title": "Answer questions", "function": show_questions}, {"title": "View emoji card", "function": show_card}, {"title": "Share emoji card", "function": show_share}, {"title": "Manual", "function": show_manual} ] option = dialogs.prompt_option( menu_items, none_text="Exit", text="Menu", title=APP_TITLE) if option: option["function"]() def show_manual(): ugfx.clear(APP_COLOUR) window = ugfx.Container(0, 0, ugfx.width(), ugfx.height()) window.show() window.text(5, 10, "TiNDA: Dating app for TiLDA", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 30, "Find your perfect EMF match", ugfx.BLACK) window.line(0, 50, ugfx.width(), 50, ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 60, "Step 1: Answer all questions", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 80, "and receive an emoji card.", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 110, "Step 2: Compare cards with", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 130, "other people and count", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 150, "matching emoji.", ugfx.BLACK) window.text(5, 180, "Step 3: <3", ugfx.BLACK) while ((not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B)) and (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu))): sleep.wfi() def show_questions(): answer_items = [] answers = None questions = get_questions() if questions: for i, question in enumerate(questions): # add 3rd option "skip" to all questions question["options"].append({"title": "Skip", "value": "0"}) title = "TiNDA - Question %i/%i" % (i + 1, len(questions)) option = dialogs.prompt_option(question["options"], text=question["text"], select_text="OK", none_text="Skip", title=title) if option: answer_items.append(option["value"]) else: answer_items.append("0") answers = "".join(answer_items) database.set(DB_KEY_ANSWERS, answers) if get_image_urls(answers): show_card() def show_card(): url = database.get(DB_KEY_CARD) if url: try: with dialogs.WaitingMessage("Loading data...", title=APP_TITLE): image = http.get(url).raise_for_status().content ugfx.display_image(0, 0, bytearray(image)) while ((not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B)) and (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu))): sleep.wfi() except Exception as ex: dialogs.notice(repr(ex), title="%s - Download failed" % APP_TITLE) else: dialogs.notice("Please answer the questions first", title=APP_TITLE) show_menu() def show_share(): ugfx.clear(APP_COLOUR) url = database.get(DB_KEY_QR) if url: dialogs.notice("Scan the QR code with your phone and share your emoji card online.", title=APP_TITLE) try: with dialogs.WaitingMessage("Loading data...", title=APP_TITLE): image = http.get(url).raise_for_status().content ugfx.clear(APP_COLOUR) ugfx.display_image(5, 45, bytearray(image)) while (not is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B)) and (not is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu)): sleep.wfi() except Exception as ex: dialogs.notice(repr(ex), title="%s - Download failed" % APP_TITLE) else: dialogs.notice("Please answer the questions first", title=APP_TITLE) show_menu() # # INITIALIZATION # ugfx_helper.init() ugfx.clear(APP_COLOUR) # # START # show_spash_screen() while True: show_menu() while (not is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B)) and (not is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu)): sleep.wfi() restart_to_default()