"""Tests for app lib Very limited at the moment since we can't test the main input dialogs""" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["upip:unittest", "dialogs", "sleep"] import unittest, ugfx from machine import Pin from dialogs import * from sleep import * class TestDialogs(unittest.TestCase): def setUpClass(self): ugfx.init() Pin(Pin.PWM_LCD_BLIGHT).on() def tearDownClass(self): Pin(Pin.PWM_LCD_BLIGHT).off() def test_app_object(self): count_max = 10 with WaitingMessage("Testing...", "Foo") as c: for i in range(1, count_max): sleep_ms(100) c.text = "%d/%d" % (i, count_max) print("done") if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()