"""HTTP library specially tied to TiLDAs functionality Somewhat inspired by "request". Current known issues: * HTTPS is not supported * """ ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["urlencode", "wifi"] import usocket, ujson, os, time, gc, wifi from urlencode import urlencode """Usage from http_client import * print(get("http://example.com").raise_for_status().content) post("http://mydomain.co.uk/api/post", data="SOMETHING").raise_for_status().close() # If response is not consumed you need to close manually # Or, if you prefer the with syntax: with post("http://mydomain.co.uk/api/post", urlencoded="SOMETHING") as response: response.raise_for_error() # No manual close needed """ SUPPORT_TIMEOUT = hasattr(usocket.socket, 'settimeout') CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = 'application/json' BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 class Response(object): def __init__(self): self.encoding = 'utf-8' self.headers = {} self.status = None self.socket = None self._content = None # Hands the responsibility for a socket over to this reponse. This needs to happen # before any content can be inspected def add_socket(self, socket, content_so_far): self.content_so_far = content_so_far self.socket = socket @property def content(self, timeout=90): start_time = time.time() if not self._content: if not self.socket: raise OSError("Invalid response socket state. Has the content been downloaded instead?") try: if "Content-Length" in self.headers: content_length = int(self.headers["Content-Length"]) elif "content-length" in self.headers: content_length = int(self.headers["content-length"]) else: raise Exception("No Content-Length") self._content = self.content_so_far del self.content_so_far while len(self._content) < content_length: buf = self.socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) self._content += buf if (time.time() - start_time) > timeout: raise Exception("HTTP request timeout") finally: self.close() return self._content; @property def text(self): return str(self.content, self.encoding) if self.content else '' # If you don't use the content of a Response at all you need to manually close it def close(self): if self.socket is not None: self.socket.close() self.socket = None def json(self): return ujson.loads(self.text) # Writes content into a file. This function will write while receiving, which avoids # having to load all content into memory def download_to(self, target, timeout=90): start_time = time.time() if not self.socket: raise OSError("Invalid response socket state. Has the content already been consumed?") try: if "Content-Length" in self.headers: remaining = int(self.headers["Content-Length"]) elif "content-length" in self.headers: remaining = int(self.headers["content-length"]) else: raise Exception("No Content-Length") with open(target, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.content_so_far) remaining -= len(self.content_so_far) del self.content_so_far while remaining > 0: buf = self.socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) f.write(buf) remaining -= len(buf) if (time.time() - start_time) > timeout: raise Exception("HTTP request timeout") f.flush() os.sync() finally: self.close() def raise_for_status(self): if 400 <= self.status < 500: raise OSError('Client error: %s' % self.status) if 500 <= self.status < 600: raise OSError('Server error: %s' % self.status) return self # In case you want to use "with" def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close() def open_http_socket(method, url, json=None, timeout=None, headers=None, data=None, params=None): # This will immediately return if we're already connected, otherwise # it'll attempt to connect or prompt for a new network. Proceeding # without an active network connection will cause the getaddrinfo to # fail. wifi.connect( wait=True, show_wait_message=False, prompt_on_fail=True, dialog_title='TiLDA Wifi' ) urlparts = url.split('/', 3) proto = urlparts[0] host = urlparts[2] urlpath = '' if len(urlparts) < 4 else urlparts[3] if proto == 'http:': port = 80 elif proto == 'https:': #todo make this work raise OSError("HTTPS is currently not supported") port = 443 else: raise OSError('Unsupported protocol: %s' % proto[:-1]) if ':' in host: host, port = host.split(':') port = int(port) if data is not None: if isinstance(data, str): content = data content_type = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" else: content = urlencode(data) content_type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" elif json is not None: content = ujson.dumps(json) content_type = CONTENT_TYPE_JSON else: content = None # ToDo: Handle IPv6 addresses addr = get_address_info(host, port) sock = None if proto == 'https:': sock = usocket.socket(usocket.AF_INET, usocket.SOCK_STREAM, usocket.SEC_SOCKET) else: sock = usocket.socket() if params: urlpath += "?" + urlencode(params) sock.connect(addr) if proto == 'https:': sock.settimeout(0) # Actually make timeouts working properly with ssl sock.send('%s /%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n' % (method, urlpath, host)) if headers is not None: for header in headers.items(): sock.send('%s: %s\r\n' % header) if content is not None: sock.send('content-length: %s\r\n' % len(content)) sock.send('content-type: %s\r\n' % content_type) sock.send('\r\n') sock.send(content) else: sock.send('\r\n') return sock def get_address_info(host, port, retries_left = 20): try: if is_ipv4_address(host): addr = (host, port) else: return usocket.getaddrinfo(host, port)[0][4] except OSError as e: if ("-15" in str(e)) and retries_left: # [addrinfo error -15] # This tends to happen after startup and goes away after a while time.sleep_ms(200) return get_address_info(host, port, retries_left - 1) else: raise e # Adapted from upip def request(method, url, json=None, timeout=None, headers=None, data=None, params=None): sock = open_http_socket(method, url, json, timeout, headers, data, params) try: response = Response() state = 1 hbuf = b"" while True: buf = sock.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) if state == 1: # Status nl = buf.find(b"\n") if nl > -1: hbuf += buf[:nl - 1] response.status = int(hbuf.split(b' ')[1]) state = 2 hbuf = b""; buf = buf[nl + 1:] else: hbuf += buf if state == 2: # Headers hbuf += buf nl = hbuf.find(b"\n") while nl > -1: if nl < 2: buf = hbuf[2:] hbuf = None state = 3 break header = hbuf[:nl - 1].decode("utf8").split(':', 3) response.headers[header[0].strip()] = header[1].strip() hbuf = hbuf[nl + 1:] nl = hbuf.find(b"\n") if state == 3: # Content response.add_socket(sock, buf) sock = None # It's not our responsibility to close the socket anymore return response finally: if sock: sock.close() gc.collect() def get(url, **kwargs): return request('GET', url, **kwargs) def post(url, **kwargs): return request('POST', url, **kwargs) def is_ipv4_address(address): octets = address.split('.') try: valid_octets = [x for x in octets if 0 <= int(x) and int(x) <= 255] return len(valid_octets) == 4 except Exception: return False