import os import tty, termios import select COLOR_BLACK = 0 COLOR_RED = 1 COLOR_GREEN = 2 COLOR_YELLOW = 3 COLOR_BLUE = 4 COLOR_MAGENTA = 5 COLOR_CYAN = 6 COLOR_WHITE = 7 A_NORMAL = 0 A_BOLD = 1 A_UNDERLINE = 2 A_REVERSE = 4 A_STANDOUT = A_REVERSE ATTRMAP = { A_NORMAL: b"\x1b[0m", A_BOLD: b"\x1b[1m", # Some terminal emulators don't render bold by default, then use 4m for underline A_REVERSE: b"\x1b[7m", } # Use # for utf-8 pseudographic reference # "─" ACS_HLINE = b"\xe2\x94\x80" # "│" ACS_VLINE = b"\xe2\x94\x82" # "┌" ACS_ULCORNER = b"\xe2\x94\x8c" # "┐" ACS_URCORNER = b"\xe2\x94\x90" # "└" ACS_LLCORNER = b"\xe2\x94\x94" # "┘" ACS_LRCORNER = b"\xe2\x94\x98" KEY_F1 = 1031 KEY_RESIZE = 1100 KEY_MOUSE = 1101 KEY_BTAB = 1090 KEY_UP = 1001 KEY_DOWN = 1002 KEY_LEFT = 1003 KEY_RIGHT = 1004 KEY_HOME = 1005 KEY_END = 1006 KEY_PGUP = 1007 KEY_PGDN = 1008 KEY_QUIT = 1009 KEY_ENTER = 1010 KEY_BACKSPACE = 1011 KEY_DELETE = 1012 KEY_ESC = 0x1b KEY_DC = KEY_DELETE KEY_PPAGE = KEY_PGUP KEY_NPAGE = KEY_PGDN KEYMAP = { b"\x1b[A": KEY_UP, b"\x1b[B": KEY_DOWN, b"\x1b[D": KEY_LEFT, b"\x1b[C": KEY_RIGHT, b"\x1bOH": KEY_HOME, b"\x1bOF": KEY_END, b"\x1b[1~": KEY_HOME, b"\x1b[4~": KEY_END, b"\x1b[5~": KEY_PGUP, b"\x1b[6~": KEY_PGDN, b"\x03": KEY_QUIT, b"\r": KEY_ENTER, b"\x7f": KEY_BACKSPACE, b"\x1b[3~": KEY_DELETE, b"\x1bOA": KEY_UP, b"\x1bOB": KEY_DOWN, b"\x1bOD": KEY_LEFT, b"\x1bOC": KEY_RIGHT, b"\x1bOP": KEY_F1, b"\x1b": KEY_ESC, b"\x1b[Z": KEY_BTAB, } ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS = 0xff def _wr(s): # TODO: When Python is 3.5, update this to use only bytes if isinstance(s, str): s = bytes(s, "utf-8") os.write(1, s) def _move(row, col): # TODO: When Python is 3.5, update this to use bytes _wr("\x1b[%d;%dH" % (row + 1, col + 1)) # Clear specified number of positions def _clear_num_pos(num): if num > 0: _wr("\x1b[%dX" % num) def _draw_box(left, top, width, height): bottom = top + height - 1 _move(top, left) _wr(ACS_ULCORNER) hor = ACS_HLINE * (width - 2) _wr(hor) _wr(ACS_URCORNER) _move(bottom, left) _wr(ACS_LLCORNER) _wr(hor) _wr(ACS_LRCORNER) top += 1 while top < bottom: _move(top, left) _wr(ACS_VLINE) _move(top, left + width - 1) _wr(ACS_VLINE) top += 1 class error(Exception): pass class Window: def __init__(self, lines, cols, y, x): self.lines = lines self.cols = cols self.y = y self.x = x self.bkgattr = A_NORMAL self.keybuf = None self.keyi = 0 self.keydelay = -1 def _goto(self, row, col): _move(self.y + row, self.x + col) def move(self, y, x): # Maybe need to cache coords? self._goto(y, x) def getmaxyx(self): return (self.lines, self.cols) def addstr(self, y, x, str, attr=A_NORMAL): self._goto(y, x) # TODO: Should be "ORed" if attr == A_NORMAL: attr = self.bkgattr if attr != A_NORMAL: _wr(ATTRMAP[attr]) _wr(str) _wr(ATTRMAP[A_NORMAL]) else: _wr(str) def addnstr(self, y, x, str, n, attr=A_NORMAL): self.addstr(y, x, str[:n], attr) def addch(self, y, x, ch, attr=A_NORMAL): if isinstance(ch, int): ch = chr(ch) self.addstr(y, x, ch, attr) def attron(self, attr): pass def attroff(self, attr): pass def attrset(self, attr): pass def bkgdset(self, ch, attr=A_NORMAL): self.bkgattr = attr def erase(self): for i in range(self.lines): self._goto(i, 0) _clear_num_pos(self.cols) def border(self): _draw_box(self.x, self.y, self.cols, self.lines) def hline(self, y, x, ch, n): self.move(y, x) _wr(ch * n) def vline(self, y, x, ch, n): for i in range(n): self.move(y + i, x) _wr(ch) def refresh(self): pass def redrawwin(self): pass def keypad(self, yes): pass def timeout(self, delay): self.keydelay = delay def nodelay(self, yes): if yes: self.keydelay = 0 else: self.keydelay = -1 def getch(self): if self.keybuf and self.keyi < len(self.keybuf): c = self.keybuf[self.keyi] self.keyi += 1 return c if self.keydelay >= 0: USE_EPOLL = 1 if USE_EPOLL: poll = select.epoll() poll.register(0, select.EPOLLIN) res = poll.poll(self.keydelay / 1000) poll.unregister(0) poll.close() else: res =[0], [], [], self.keydelay / 1000)[0] if not res: return -1 key =, 32) if key[0] != 0x1b: self.keybuf = key self.keyi = 1 key = key[0] else: if key in KEYMAP: key = KEYMAP[key] else: assert False, repr(key) return key SCREEN = Window(24, 80, 0, 0) org_termios = None def wrapper(func): global org_termios org_termios = termios.tcgetattr(0) res = func() endwin() return res def initscr(): global org_termios org_termios = termios.tcgetattr(0) return SCREEN def doupdate(): pass def endwin(): global org_termios _wr(b"\r") termios.tcsetattr(0, termios.TCSANOW, org_termios) def raw(): tty.setraw(0) def cbreak(): #TODO pass def nocbreak(): #TODO pass def echo(): #TODO pass def noecho(): #TODO pass def meta(yes): #TODO pass def mousemask(mask): # Mouse reporting - X10 compatbility mode _wr(b"\x1b[?9h") def has_colors(): return False def can_change_color(): return False def curs_set(visibility): if visibility > 0: _wr(b"\x1b[?25h") else: _wr(b"\x1b[?25l") def beep(): _wr(b"\x07") def newwin(lines, cols, y=0, x=0): #print("newwin(%d, %d, %d, %d)" % (lines, cols, y, x)) cols = cols or SCREEN.cols lines = lines or SCREEN.lines return Window(lines, cols, y, x)