"""This app tests all the onboard sensors and system info""" ___title___ = "System Info" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["sleep", "app", "sim800"] ___categories___ = ["EMF", "System"] ___bootstrapped___ = True #import ugfx, os, time, sleep, app, sim800 import ugfx, app, sim800 import os from tilda import Buttons from tilda import Sensors from machine import ADC from time import sleep mag = ADC(ADC.ADC_HALLEFFECT) status_height = 20 ugfx.init() ugfx.clear() ugfx.set_default_font(ugfx.FONT_FIXED) simversion = sim800.getfirmwarever()[9:] simphonenumber = sim800.getmynumber() simoperator = sim800.currentoperator() if simphonenumber == None or len(simphonenumber) == 0 : ugfx.Label(5, 155, 240, 15, "No Number Yet") else: ugfx.Label(5, 155, 240, 15, simphonenumber) if simoperator == None or len(simoperator) == 0 : ugfx.Label(5, 170, 240, 15, "No Operator Yet") else: ugfx.Label(5, 170, 240, 15, "Your network is " + simoperator) ugfx.Label(5, 185, 240, 15, simversion) ugfx.Label(5, 215, 240, 30, "Badge firmware version:\n{}".format(os.uname().version)) ugfx.Label(5, 300, 240, 15, "** Hold A or B or MENU to exit **") while (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_A)) and (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_B)) and (not Buttons.is_pressed(Buttons.BTN_Menu)): ugfx.Label(5, 5, 240, 15, "Temperature (tmp) : {:.2f} C".format(Sensors.get_tmp_temperature())) ugfx.Label(5, 20, 240, 15, "Temperature (hdc) : {:.2f} C".format(Sensors.get_hdc_temperature())) ugfx.Label(5, 35, 240, 15, "Humidity (hdc) : {:.2f} %".format(Sensors.get_hdc_humidity())) ugfx.Label(5, 50, 240, 15, "Light (opt) : {:.2f} Lux".format(Sensors.get_lux())) ugfx.Label(5, 65, 240, 15, "Mag Field: (drv) : {:.2f} ".format(mag.convert())) ugfx.Label(5, 80, 240, 15, "Sensor samplerate : {} ms".format(Sensors.sample_rate())) charging = Sensors.get_charge_status() if charging == Sensors.BAT_PRE_CHARGING or charging == Sensors.BAT_FAST_CHARGING: ugfx.Label(5, 110, 240, 15, "Battery is : charging") elif charging == Sensors.BAT_DONE_CHARGING: ugfx.Label(5, 110, 240, 15, "Battery is : full") elif charging == Sensors.BAT_NOT_CHARGING: ugfx.Label(5, 110, 240, 15, "Battery is : discharging") ugfx.Label(5, 125, 240, 15, "Battery is : {:.2f} %".format(sim800.batterycharge())) sleep(2) ugfx.clear() app.restart_to_default()