""" Orbs Game: Set your name and see the scores """ ___name___ = "Orbs Game" ___license___ = "MIT" ___dependencies___ = ["app", "dialogs", "sim800", "ugfx_helper"] ___categories___ = ["Games"] ___bootstrapped___ = False from app import * from dialogs import * import utime import ugfx import ugfx_helper from orbs.umqtt.simple import MQTTClient import network from machine import mem32 import wifi wifi.connect() ugfx_helper.init() ugfx.clear() broker='' mqtt_username='orbs' mqtt_password='orbs123' scoretext="" MACAddress=str(mem32[0x400fef20]) + str(mem32[0x400fef24]) + str(mem32[0x400fef28]) + str(mem32[0x400fef2C]) regOK=False regFAILED=False def mqtt_connect(): client = MQTTClient(MACAddress,broker, user=mqtt_username, password=mqtt_password) client.set_callback(sub_cb) connected=False try: client.connect() connected=True except Exception as err: connected=False if (connected): return client else: return False def sub_cb(topic,msg): global regOK global regFAILED global scoretext try: (t1,t2,t3,targetBadge,messageType)=topic.decode('utf-8').split('/') strmsg=msg.decode('utf-8') if messageType=="regok": regOK=True if messageType=="regerror": regFAILED=True if messageType=="scores": scoretext=msg except: return def update_token(token): lb=open("token.txt","w") lb.write(token) lb.close() def do_gettoken(): notice("Enter your RFID token ID digits only. Get it right!", title="Orbs Game") token=prompt_text("Enter token:") if len(token)==8 or len(token)==14 or len(token)==20: return token else: notice("Invalid token", title="Orbs Game") return "" def do_register(client): playername=prompt_text("Enter name:") playername=playername.replace(",",".") regOK==False regFAILED==False if len(playername)>3: client.publish("/registration/from/" + MACAddress + "/name",mytoken + "," + playername) notice("Name request sent") client.check_msg() if regOK==True: notice("Registration completed") if regFAILED==True: notice("Registration failed") else: notice("Name too short") def get_token(): try: lb=open("token.txt","r") token=lb.readline() lb.close() if token=="": token=do_gettoken() except: token="" if token=="": token=do_gettoken() return token def do_showscores(client): client.publish("/registration/from/" + MACAddress + "/score",mytoken) notice("Requested scores") client.check_msg() if len(scoretext)>0: (playername,playerscore,rank,redscore,greenscore,bluescore)=scoretext.decode('utf-8').split(',') notice("Player: " + playername + chr(13) + "Score: " + playerscore + chr(13) + "Rank: " + rank) notice("Red Score: " + redscore + chr(13) + "Green Score: " + greenscore + chr(13) + "Blue Score: " + bluescore) else: notice("Failed to get scores") mqttclient=mqtt_connect() while (not mqttclient): utime.sleep(2) mqttclient=mqtt_connect() mqttclient.subscribe(topic='/badge/to/' + MACAddress + '/#') #mqttclient.subscribe(topic='/scoreboard/to/all/#') mytoken=get_token() if len(mytoken)==0: notice("Token required",title="Orbs Game") try: mqttclient.close() except: restart_to_default() restart_to_default() update_token(mytoken) menuset = [] menuset.append({ "title" : "Register", "index" : 1 }) menuset.append({ "title" : "Scores", "index" : 2 }) while True: selection = prompt_option(menuset, text="Orbs Game", select_text="Select", none_text="Exit") if (not selection): restart_to_default() elif (selection["index"]==1): do_register(mqttclient) elif (selection["index"]==2): do_showscores(mqttclient)