Final tweaks or tidying

Alistair MacDonald 2018-08-28 12:56:18 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent eb3ff46b88
commit fbc2d1a348
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 50 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -20,8 +20,12 @@ pwr_key_pin = machine.Pin(machine.Pin.GPIO_SIM_PWR_KEY, machine.Pin.OUT)
uart = machine.UART(uart_port, uart_default_baud, mode=machine.UART.BINARY, timeout=uart_timeout)
dirtybuffer = False # Flag if the buffer could have residual end of reresponsesponces line in it?
# A list of callback functions
callbacks = []
# Globals for remembering callback data
clip = ""
btpairing = ''
# Check if the SIM800 is powered up
def ison():
@ -86,20 +90,17 @@ def readline():
# This will be part of the string then
elif not (charin == b'\n'):
stringin += str(charin, "ASCII")
# xxxy
# Check if we have a callback hook for this line
def processcallbacks(line):
global clip
# check for the caller line information
global btpairing
# Check for the caller line information
if line.startswith("+CLIP:"):
clip = line[6:].strip()
# Check for Bluetooth pairing request
if line.startswith("+BTPAIRING:"):
btpairing = line[11:].strip()
# Check for app callbacks
for entry in callbacks:
if line.startswith(entry[0]):
@ -515,28 +516,52 @@ def btaddress():
# Get/Set Bluetooth visibility (True for on, False for off)
def btvisible(visible=None):
# Power on if we want to be visible
if visibie:
if visible:
# Set the new leve if we have one to set
if visible is not None:
command("AT+BTVIS=" + str(visible))
command("AT+BTVIS=" + str(int(visible)))
# Retieve the set gain to report back
response = command("AT+BTVIS?")
return int(extractval("+BTVIS:", response, 0))
# Get the Bluetooth address (timeout from 10000 to 60000, returnd device ID, name, address, rssi)
# Get the Bluetooth address (timeout in ms from 10000 to 60000, returnd device ID, name, address, rssi)
def btscan(timeout=30000):
result = []
response = command("AT+BTSCAN=1," + str(int(timeout/1000)), timeout+8000, "+BTSCAN: 1")
return extractvals("+BTSCAN: 0,", response)
for entry in extractvals("+BTSCAN: 0,", response):
splitentry = entry.split(",")
result = [int(splitentry[0]), splitentry[1].strip("\""), splitentry[2], int(splitentry[3])]
return result
# Get the requesting paring device name
def btparingname():
if ison():
return btpairing.split(",")[0].strip("\"")
# Get the requesting paring passcode
def btparingpasscode():
if ison():
splitdata = btpairing.split(",")
if (len(splitdata)>=3):
return splitdata[2]
return ""
# Pair a Bluetooth device
def btpair(device):
global btpairing
btpairing = ''
response = command("AT+BTPAIR=0," + str(device), 8000, "+BTPAIRING:")
return extractval("+BTPAIRING:", response, "").split(",")
# Confirm the pairing of a Bluetooth device
def btpairconfirm(passkey=None):
global btpairing
btpairing = ''
if passkey is None:
return command("AT+BTPAIR=1,1", 8000)
@ -544,6 +569,8 @@ def btpairconfirm(passkey=None):
# Cancel/reject the pairing of a Bluetooth device
def btpairreject():
global btpairing
btpairing = ''
return command("AT+BTPAIR=1,0", 8000)
# Unpair a Bluetooth device (unpair everything when device is 0)
@ -552,8 +579,12 @@ def btunpair(device=0):
# List the paired Bluetooth devices
def btpaired():
result = []
response = command("AT+BTSTATUS?")
return extractvals("P:", response)
for entry in extractvals("P:", response):
splitentry = entry.split(",")
result = [int(splitentry[0]), splitentry[1].strip("\""), splitentry[2]]
return result
# List profiles supported by a paired device
def btgetprofiles(device):
@ -588,8 +619,12 @@ def btdisconnect(device):
# List the Bluetooth connections
def btconnected():
result = []
response = command("AT+BTSTATUS?")
return extractvals("C:", response)
for entry in extractvals("C:", response):
splitentry = entry.split(",")
result = [int(splitentry[0]), splitentry[1].strip("\""), splitentry[2]]
return result
# Push an OPP object/file over Bluetooth (must be paired for OPP, monitor +BTOPPPUSH: for sucsess / fail / server issue)
def btopppush(device, filename):
@ -683,12 +718,6 @@ def btrssi(device):
response = command("AT+BTRSSI=" + str(device))
return int(extractval("+BTRSSI:", response, 0))
# xxxy - Add BT object transfer, serial, handsfree
# Get available space on the flash storage
def fsfree():
response = command("AT+FSMEM")
@ -776,14 +805,5 @@ def fsrm(filename):
def fsmv(filenamefrom, filenameto):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSRENAME=" + str(filenamefrom) + "," + str(filenameto))[-1])
# Start turning on the SIM800
# Start turning on the SIM800 asynchronously
onatstart = poweron(True)
# Testing code to move to app
# Try using call and end buttons to answer and hangup
#tilda.Buttons.enable_interrupt(tilda.Buttons.BTN_Call, answer())
#tilda.Buttons.enable_interrupt(tilda.Buttons.BTN_End, hangup())
# See if the netowrk list can be used for checking SIM800
#status_pin = machine.Pin(7, machine.Pin.IN)
#tilda.Buttons.enable_interrupt(machine.Pin(machine.Pin.GPIO_SIM_NETLIGHT, machine.Pin.IN),processbuffer())