Filesystem access added

Alistair MacDonald 2018-08-26 12:11:11 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6490ebb885
commit 77680a45c6
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 76 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -24,11 +24,18 @@ def isringing():
# Identify if this was a positive responce
def ispositive(responce):
return (responce=="OK") or responce.startswith("CONNECT") or responce.startswith("> ")
return (responce=="OK") or responce.startswith("CONNECT") or responce.startswith("SEND OK")
# Identify if this was a negative responce
def isnegative(responce):
return (responce=="NO CARRIER") or (responce=="ERROR") or (responce=="NO DIALTONE") or (responce=="BUSY") or (responce=="NO ANSWER")
return (responce=="NO CARRIER") or (responce=="ERROR") or (responce=="NO DIALTONE") or (responce=="BUSY") or (responce=="NO ANSWER") or (responce=="SEND FAIL") or (responce=="TIMEOUT") or (responce=="TimeOut")
# Identify if this is the completion of a responce
def isdefinitive(responce, custom=None):
if custom is not None:
return ispositive(responce) or isnegative(responce) or responce.startswith(custom)
return ispositive(responce) or isnegative(responce)
# Extract the [first/only] parameter from a responce
def extractval(parameter, responce, default=""):
@ -62,8 +69,8 @@ def readline():
stringin += str(charin, "ASCII")
# Execute a command on the module
# command is the AT command without the AT or CR/LF, responce_timeout (in ms) is how long to wait for completion, custom_endofdata is to wait for a non standard bit of
def command(command="AT", responce_timeout=default_responce_timeout, custom_endofdata=None):
# command is the AT command without the AT or CR/LF, responce_timeout (in ms) is how long to wait for completion, required_responce is to wait for a non standard responce, custom_endofdata will finish when found
def command(command="AT", responce_timeout=default_responce_timeout, required_responce=None, custom_endofdata=None):
global dirtybuffer
# Empty the buffer
@ -76,7 +83,7 @@ def command(command="AT", responce_timeout=default_responce_timeout, custom_endo
# Read the results
result = []
complete = False
customcomplete = custom_endofdata is None
customcomplete = required_responce is None
timeouttime = time.time()+(responce_timeout/1000)
while (time.time()<timeouttime):
line = readline()
@ -84,17 +91,17 @@ def command(command="AT", responce_timeout=default_responce_timeout, custom_endo
if (len(line)>0):
# Check if we have a standard end of responce
if (ispositive(line)) or (isnegative(line)):
if isdefinitive(line, custom_endofdata):
complete = True
# Check if we have the data we are looking for
if (custom_endofdata is not None) and (line.startswith(custom_endofdata)):
if (required_responce is not None) and (line.startswith(required_responce)):
customcomplete = True
# Check if we are done
if complete and customcomplete:
return result
# We ran out of time
# set the dirty buffer flag is an out of date end of responcs cound end up in the buffer
if custom_endofdata is None:
if required_responce is None:
dirtybuffer = True
return result
@ -173,7 +180,7 @@ def sendsms(number, message):
# Switch to ASCII(ish)
# Send the message
command("AT+CMGS=\"" + str(number) + "\"")
command("AT+CMGS=\"" + str(number) + "\"", 2000, None, "> ")
return command(message + "\x1a", 60000)
# List the summery of SMS messages (0=unread,1=read,2=saved unread,3=saved sent, 4=all)
@ -487,6 +494,65 @@ def btrssi(device):
responce = command("AT+BTRSSI=" + str(device))
return int(extractval("+BTRSSI:", responce, 0))
# Get available space on the flash storage
def fsfree():
responce = command("AT+FSMEM")
return extractval("+FSMEM:", responce, "?:0bytes").split(",")[0].split(":")[1][:-5]
# List the entries in directory on flash storage (returned directories end with "\\")
def fsls(directory=""):
if not directory.endswith("\\"):
directory += "\\"
return command("AT+FSLS=" + str(directory))[1:-1]
# Get the size of a file on the flash storage
def fssize(filename):
responce = command("AT+FSFLSIZE=" + str(filename))
return int(extractval("+FSFLSIZE:", responce, "-1"))
# Create a directory on flash storage
def fsmkdir(directory):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSMKDIR=" + str(directory))[-1])
# Remove a directory on flash storage
def fsrmdir(directory):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSRMDIR=" + str(directory))[-1])
# Create a file on flash storage
def fscreate(filename):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSCREATE=" + str(filename))[-1])
# Read data from a file on the flash storage
def fsread(filename, size=1024, start=0):
return command("AT+FSREAD=" + str(filename) + "," + str(mode) + "," + str(size) + "," + str(start))[1:-1]
# Write data to a file on the flash storage
def fswrite(filename, data, append=True, truncate=False):
if truncate or (fssize(filename)<0):
responce = command("AT+FSWRITE=" + str(filename) + "," + str(int(append)) + "," + str(len(data)) + ",8", 2000, None, ">")
if responce[-1].startswith(">"):
return ispositive(command(data)[-1])
return False
# Delete a file from flash storage
def fsrm(filename):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSDEL=" + str(filename))[-1])
# Rename a file on the flash storage
def fsmv(filenamefrom, filenameto):
return ispositive(command("AT+FSRENAME=" + str(filenamefrom) + "," + str(filenameto))[-1])
# Start turning on the SIM800
# Testing code to move to app
#tilda.Buttons.enable_interrupt(tilda.Buttons.BTN_Call, answer())
#tilda.Buttons.enable_interrupt(tilda.Buttons.BTN_End, hangup())