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2018-07-15 06:53:48 -04:00
"""Model and Helpers for TiLDA apps and the App Library API"""
___license___ = "MIT"
___dependencies___ = ["http"]
import os
import ure
import http_client
import filesystem
import gc
ATTRIBUTE_MATCHER = ure.compile("^\s*###\s*([^:]*?)\s*:\s*(.*)\s*$") # Yeah, regex!
CATEGORY_NOT_SET = "uncategorised"
class App:
"""Models an app and provides some helper functions"""
def __init__(self, folder_name, api_information = None):
self.folder_name = self.name = folder_name.lower()
self.user = EMF_USER
if USER_NAME_SEPARATOR in folder_name:
[self.user, self.name] = folder_name.split(USER_NAME_SEPARATOR, 1)
self.user = self.user.lower()
self.name = self.name.lower()
self._attributes = None # Load lazily
self.api_information = api_information
def folder_path(self):
return "apps/" + self.folder_name
def main_path(self):
return self.folder_path + "/main.py"
def loadable(self):
return filesystem.is_file(self.main_path) and os.stat(self.main_path)[6] > 0
def description(self):
"""either returns a local attribute or uses api_information"""
if self.api_information and "description" in self.api_information:
return self.api_information["description"]
return self.get_attribute("description") or ""
def files(self):
"""returns a list of file dicts or returns False if the information is not available"""
if self.api_information and "files" in self.api_information:
return self.api_information["files"]
return False
def category(self):
return self.get_attribute("Category", CATEGORY_NOT_SET).lower()
def title(self):
return self.get_attribute("appname") or self.name
def user_and_title(self):
if self.user == EMF_USER:
return self.name
return "%s by %s" % (self.title, self.user)
def matches_category(self, category):
"""returns True if provided category matches the category of this app"""
category = category.lower()
return category == CATEGORY_ALL or category == self.category
def attributes(self):
"""Returns all attribues of this app
The result is cached for the lifetime of this object
if self._attributes == None:
self._attributes = {}
if self.loadable:
with open(self.main_path) as file:
for line in file:
match = ATTRIBUTE_MATCHER.match(line)
if match:
self._attributes[match.group(1).strip().lower()] = match.group(2).strip()
return self._attributes
def get_attribute(self, attribute, default=None):
"""Returns the value of an attribute, or a specific default value if attribute is not found"""
attribute = attribute.lower() # attributes are case insensitive
if attribute in self.attributes:
return self.attributes[attribute]
return default
def fetch_api_information(self):
"""Queries the API for information about this app, returns False if app is not publicly listed"""
with http_client.get("http://api.badge.emfcamp.org/api/app/%s/%s" % (self.user, self.name)) as response:
if response.status == 404:
return False
self.api_information = response.raise_for_status().json()
return self.api_information
def __str__(self):
return self.user_and_title
def __repr__(self):
return "<App %s>" % (self.folder_name)
def app_by_name_and_user(name, user):
"""Returns an user object"""
if user.lower() == EMF_USER:
return App(name)
return App(user + USER_NAME_SEPARATOR + name)
def app_by_api_response(response):
if response["user"].lower() == EMF_USER:
return App(response["name"], response)
return App(response["user"] + USER_NAME_SEPARATOR + response["name"], response)
def get_local_apps(category=CATEGORY_ALL):
"""Returns a list of apps that can be found in the apps folder"""
apps = [App(folder_name) for folder_name in os.listdir("apps") if filesystem.is_dir("apps/" + folder_name)]
return [app for app in apps if app.matches_category(category)]
_public_apps_cache = None
def fetch_public_app_api_information(uncached=False):
"""Returns a dict category => list of apps
Uses cached version unless the uncached parameter is set
global _public_apps_cache
if not _public_apps_cache or uncached:
response = {}
for category, apps in http_client.get("http://api.badge.emfcamp.org/api/apps").raise_for_status().json().items():
response[category] = [app_by_api_response(app) for app in apps]
_public_apps_cache = response
return _public_apps_cache
def get_public_app_categories(uncached=False):
"""Returns a list of all categories used on the app library"""
return list(fetch_public_app_api_information(uncached).keys())
def get_public_apps(category=CATEGORY_ALL, uncached=False):
"""Returns a list of all public apps in one category"""
category = category.lower()
api_information = fetch_public_app_api_information(uncached)
return api_information[category] if category in api_information else []
_category_cache = None
def get_local_app_categories(uncached=False):
"""Returns a list of all app categories the user's apps are currently using
Uses cached version unless the uncached parameter is set
global _category_cache
if not _category_cache or uncached:
_category_cache = ["all"]
for app in get_local_apps():
if app.category not in _category_cache:
return _category_cache
def empty_local_app_cache():
"""If you're tight on memory you can clean up the local cache"""
global _public_apps_cache, _category_cache
_public_apps_cache = None
_category_cache = None
2018-07-21 19:21:18 -04:00